Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Slight break from my 30 day challenge (my brain spazzed out and I think I said it was a 10 day challenge previously - my mind blocked out numbers 11-30 for some odd reason..) because I need to vent some pent up and possibly hormone caused rage.

I'm all for fairness, because I believe if you did something then there should be some consequence or reward for it. I also realize that everyone should pull their own weight when it comes to group projects. Now, calling a living arrangement with 3 other girls a group project seems really generalized and off base, but follow me on this for a second: If one member keeps to themselves and takes care of their responsibilities, why should that person have to pick up the slack for other non-participatory members?

From my point of view, I may not be the cooker in the house, but I'd like to think I'm fairly manageable. I get my random spurts to clean: I vacuumed the little community areas the other night & then last night I was requested to clean the kitchen for some reason when I did nothing in the kitchen to warrant cleaning. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but if YOU make a mess, why am I cleaning it up?

Also, please alert to me why it makes more sense to use actual dishes rather than paper plates? I don't do dishwashers; they rub me the wrong way, plus I've never had one. Dishwashers piss me off and owners of dishwashers are lazy in my good opinion. Growing up living in my grandparents' house part-time, seeing as how they were my babysitters and often caretakers, taught me that whatever dishes you used, YOU cleaned. You need three plates to eat food off of, then you better clean those plates yourself. Sometimes, Pap Pap would wash them for me if he was in a generous mood, but otherwise, I had to do it myself.

I am currently stock piling my own trash, because I'm like mini-protesting, so if need arises I will show my trash bag and start ranting that I will throw my own trash out if need be! I don't mind fitting the role of a typical female, but I will sure as hell complain if I feel like it's slanted in an off direction. Yes, I'm not the cleanest person, but all my messes are within my living quarters and I clean up after myself after a certain point when I cannot stand the filth I live in.

I feel like the old scullery maid lecturing on the ignorance of the youth, but seriously. Was I taught some arcane manners that nobody else experienced in their adolescence/teen years?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sorry, Baby, This Post Is For My Other Man =P


This seems fairly obvious, because I have indeed written about this possibly for the last 200 blogs I've been doing. In order to maintain some fairness and not throw my happiness in people's faces because I have an amazing boyfriend who is very silly and goes by the name of Ricky, I will blog about another one of my first loves: Mario.

Mario has touched my life in more ways than one, all of which, by the way, are completely in the G realm of reality, seeing as how he is a 2-D character trapped in a cyclical game where you know what to expect, but at the same time, it's like God's divine punishment. He creates the perfect game that you think is so incredibly easy and then he slaps you in the face with a Koopa shell and figuratively says, "Bitch! You ain't gettin' none." Yes, God embodies a black person in my mind when I play Mario games, because it's almost cruel and unusual the ways you can possibly die in that game. Racist? Maybe. Truthful? I think so.

I got off topic. Mario has been the man and triumphing over whatever evil since before I was born, which in my book, is pretty awesome because he's the one person I will admit has more skillz than I. He trumps Bowser every time in a way that's embarrassing for someone whose supposed to be fearful and intimidating; he gets the girl in the end, which you KNOW the Princess is forever grateful for, which probably lands the plumber into some nice areas. He even has a trusty stead in Yoshi, the freaking best dinosaur around who can practically fly. Even his bumbling brother side kick, Luigi, has some merit and worth despite his recent amount of fail that Nintendo puts him through.

Mario, you are indeed the man. You gave my life purpose and have been motivating me to pwn at your games since my birth. You are my reason for buying Nintendo games to this day, because I cannot get enough of your awesomeness. I'm probably the only person above the age of 10 who finds your games challenging, but you definitely have me yelling and screaming five minutes into playing the game. That totally sounded sexual.. Oh, BTW, you're girlfriend, Peach? Yeah, she's a whore. Sorry, dude.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day One

Instead of blogging about the fact that I'm spiraling once again on this never-ending roller coaster that I've chosen to be a participant on, despite my more rational and better judgment alerting me that roller coasters make me sick, I will blog of other things because I can.

I will now be randomly participating in a 10 day challenge, which will just most likely be the next 10 days, because my creative juices are lacking due to emotional/mental strain. Although there have been posts that I have done that are similar, they have never been structured around a question before. If I enjoy doing this, then maybe I'll just take random surveys and splice them into just answering one question per blog. My year challenge is almost complete, and then maybe I can just blog about actually good things at some point.


Perfect way to get this ball rolling. My name is Jessica! If I had to describe myself in three words, I would probably choose the words tall, smiles, and tiger. I am extremely tall for someone of the female gender - I'm 5'10 1/2 inches to 5'11". Perhaps I'm 6' now, but I wouldn't know because I only go to the doctor for big kid shots so I can attend college and avoid diseases. I enjoy smiling; if you don't, I think I might punch you in the face, because you are not human and therefore need to be exterminated through my awesome prowess. I can be fierce like a tiger and lash out blindly despite having no substantial reason to lash out. Some would say this is an anger management issue; I say it's a "Don't Piss Jessica Off" issue =] Majority of the time, I'm just a cuddly tiger that runs on a thin line between exorbitant excitement and indifferent apathy. You haven't experienced a truly Jessica moment until you have seen both sides of that coin, although the apathy isn't a fun theme park ride anyway so it's socially acceptable to avoid that one. I just turned 19 earlier this month, although I am not yet registered to vote because I am a poor excuse of an American citizen. Oh, I'm also Spanish/German. I favor the Spanish aspect because my people got shit done, plus I think I was Queen Isabella in a past life (Yes, I hail from Spain. No, I don't speak Spanish, but you can't judge me just because I probably exiled you in a past life.) The only time I've broken a bone was due to my mom's excitement. She swears she didn't mean to, but my dad and I especially know otherwise for we were all there as witnesses. Thank God a doctor was there too. I'm Catholic, so I believe in God. Other religions are cool too, and I'm all for you praising spaghetti or Tom Cruise- just leave me alone to my religion and don't try to convert me. Having grown up conversations with me can go one of two ways: I either listen attentively to whatever it is you think is right and speak when I should OR I adamantly tell you that you're wrong and speak over you until you decide to give up. I'm stubborn with everything I think: I'm convinced that the burrowing owls of Cape Coral have burrowed an underground city and hold council meetings regularly, which is why you will ALWAYS see one eyeballing you as you drive past his "home" aka tunnel into the Free World. If you try to tell me otherwise, you will be shut down in a plethora of ways. My dad taught me self defense when I was the age of 4 in case I was ever raped or kidnapped. To this day, I am still confident in my ability to stay alive and to get away from dangerous situations such as that despite a lack of formal training. I'm multifaceted, which makes me an interesting person. You shouldn't get bored around me, and if you do, then you're doing something wrong.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pizza Rolls Burned My Mouth =[

The quote is as true for the ladies as it is for guys too. Of course, guys should change the word "he" to "she" instead, unless you prefer male relationships then you're okay with the original quote! Ladies on the other hand, should then change it if they prefer the ladies =P I enjoy making these long winded and as random as possible, while still maintaining my composure and fairness towards all possible relationships besides the standard. I won't even get into that pile of bean by discussing my feelings on the matter though! No sirree, Bob!

"He's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, casues you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect more than he can give. Don't analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don't exist, but there's always one guy that is perfect for you." (Bob Marley)

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Pound Loss =]

You wouldn't think that a pound loss of weight would be so exciting, but it kinda is, especially since this one pound is the end result of me gaining 3 pounds. So I guess when you take all of that into consideration, I lost 4 pounds since I'm my initial weight on August 6th =]

I don't know what it is about hearing or watching the same movie at least 5 times in its' entirety within a week that just grinds my gears! haha I have nothing against said movie, because it was partially decent. However, since my room is adjacent to the living room, I will hear each and every line of dialogue and I can practically play the movie in my mind. I think I'm going crazy. "Failure to Launch" played all through out the move-in weekend, and I thought it was behind us; I've been quickly proven wrong. I need to accept that this is the movie that must be the most accepted favorite among my fellow roommates. To be honest, it could be a lot worse.

Twilight could be on 24/7.

"Did you ever notice that there is always that particular line in that certain song that always stands out in a certain way and reminds you of that one person you can't forget?"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Filler Post #2340923

Since Ricky and I discussed dying today while we ate at Moe's =P

"If I die tomorrow, there will be people who have totally different memories of me: to one person I might be the bitch who thought she was better. To another person I might be the ugliest person on this planet. To her I might be the gorgeous, lucky girl who she despised because I was spoiled rotten. To another girl I might be the girl who got really good grades, so jealousy erupted. To him I might be the girl with the annoying laugh. To another guy I could be remembered as the girl who wasn't anything to him. Maybe I'll be remembered as the girl who was always on her phone, or the girl my roommate disliked. But none of that matters, you know why? By my best friends I'll be remembered as the girl with the contagious laugh and the girl they would go to if they ever needed anything. By my boyfriend I'll be remembered as the most amazing and beautiful girl he has ever met."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nighty Night

I have really high expectations for myself and for others if that hasn't been made apparent by how I live my life. Well, maybe it's not apparent. Long story short, I get tired of feeling like I'm being strung along or feel like I'm wasting my time. It won't matter that the emotions will pass, but I feel like the selected few that are in my life are there for a reason; when you show that your actions outweigh my reasoning for keeping you in my circle, I question the validity of said relationship and think of severing the link. I don't enjoy being hurt any more than the next person, but I really physically can't take it when the people I've lost emotionally are more than the people I've gained.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm so tired of this and you.

Monday, August 23, 2010


^^ hahaha

Review of my day, because I'm so important that this needs to be shared:

1. Monday morning + 1st day of school + it rains all day = I should have known today was gonna be a bad day.

2. I realize that, "Hey, Gulfline lied to me and I need ANOTHER textbook before Wednesday!"

3. I meet my adorable professor for Civilizations of Asia and wanted to hug her because she's just cute. (I really can't contain myself, and I don't know how I'm gonna get through that class because of that.. this sounds really lez of me, but seriously, she's adorable like a little kid. Not that I prey on little kids. It's the opposite actually, I just think they are cute and I go on about it because I can't stop..... Yeah.)


5. Pitaaaaaaaaaa with Rickyyyyyyyyyy!

6. Oh, hi, Night Class! This is the first time I'm meeting you, but I hope this goes well =]

7. It most certainly does not go well, Night Class, and I don't wish to see you or Arnold Schwarzenegger anymore. Why did Dr. Solomon have to move to Canada to save lives? =[

8. Whoa! Travis has a night class too!

9. I have homework and other responsibilities, but I'm gonna eat dinner with my roommates who probably weren't expecting me to be home for dinner or expecting me to ever come back ever ever ever!

10. Abrupt end, because my neck hurts from this strenuous, rainy 1st day of school. This year is gonna be ca-razy to the maxxxxxxxxxxx

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." (Buddha)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Music 24/7

Slowly and slowly like a sponge I'm absorbing character traits of my fellow roommates. It's not necessarily bad habits, but I can already tell this year is gonna be interesting and hectic among other words.

*edit* such as my low tolerance for crap or what I deem to be crap. most likely I'll end up more out spoken so if you do something to piss me off, maybe I'll actually let you know instead of hiding it or being passive-aggressive. In other words, despite having maximized estrogen levels, I will be aggressive more so and I'm not gonna let things bother me as easily as they used to.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." (Albert Einstein)

Saturday, August 21, 2010


In case you didn't think the word weird was applicable to shoes yet.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Raining Buckets

"Don’t ever be a moody person; don’t ever be one who spreads negative thinking. Remember: This world is created through the law of duality; there are two sides to everything, a positive and a negative and each human being has the choice to align his consciousness with one or the other. No one wants to be around a stinkweed. It is negative and depresses us. But, as our Guru used to say, everybody loves to gather around a rose, which gives off a sweet fragrance. Be a positive human rose."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Don't Know What's More Stressful...

1. Moving into my new dorm today, which is apparently weird because I'm a sophmore/2nd year at FGCU and I lived on campus last year too. I just did what online housing said to do, and it said I could move in today. That does not make me a freshmen or a transfer student though!!

2. Realizing you forgot very important things, only after you arrive at the destination you were supposed to go to.

3. Living in a dorm with a constant state of paranoia due to the copious amounts of spiders and wildlife (I'm looking at you, Mr. Door Frog That Leaps!)

4. The fact my cell phone won't work correctly, so I'll get 10,000 text messages at once randomly. (This is actually more of a complaint than a stress, but it still totally counts)

All in all, moving day was incredibly stressful and I don't know how the finished product always turns out perfect, but it does. I have my lovely and stressful crew to thank for that too =)

"I am influenced and inspired by life, by the people I meet, people I work with and people I aspire and hope to meet. I read, I go to the movies, listen to music - I am just like everyone else, only I am always looking for inspiration, looking to create. I am always searching, always on the quest for beauty, for ideas and a muse to seduce me." (John Galliano)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So Tired

Too much sun exposure has literally rotten my brain further than it already has been. I also have been packing for like 2 hours, and I'm not even done yet, but I'm way too tired and sunburnt and tan to blog any further =P

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Diet Coke is for Champions!

So after an epic day of video gaming to the extreme with Ricky and Tito the person, here are some of the many highlights:

1. "Stop trying to give me a blowjob!"
2. Grievous pwns everyone and anything, and when he's not available to be a choice, you will fail no matter who you pick or how hard you may try to win.
3. Halo is the hardest game in the world, especially when you aren't used to shooter games where you have to, you know, move the camera AND kill some people.
4. "Miranda is a whore." (quote from me, which the males disagreed with, because they are blinded by Miranda's obvious sexual prowess over Ashley's classy sexyness)
5. "I've nailed you many times."
6. "Did you just say penis?"
7. When I step on the ship, everyone turns lesbian for me and Mass Effect becomes twice as sexual.

That was more of like an overview rather than the highlights, but it doesn't matter because I'm Jessica and that's all that matters. Plus plus plus, I got to sit in the living room to watch/play video games and only had to be in the kitchen a couple of times. I'd say it was a good day =)

"What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say, 'This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you all in the same sequence. The eternal hourglass will again and again be turned and you with it, dust of the dust!' Would you throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse that demon? Or would you answer, 'Never have I heard anything more divine'?" (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Monday, August 16, 2010

A First In A Long Time

(I enjoy capitalizing my blog titles, sometimes. Other times, it's like, "eh, I don't really care, but this is what I want this to say, and you have no choice in the matter whatsoever." My chair just made a sound..)

I was driving on my road of residence when the song "Good To Be Me" by Uncle Kraker came on the radio. Now, if Uncle Kraker doesn't set the mood for feeling like a true Southerner, let's look at one of the greatest lyrics in the song: "Damn, it feels good to be me". And indeed, in that very second and instant, I wholeheartedly agreed. I smelled sick nasty due to working out; I was sweaty and my hair was plastered to my face which was a bright fluorescent red like a tomato. I rolled my window down and cruised down my country bumpy road, belting out this song that I don't even know the lyrics to unless it's the chorus, which of course, plays at least 3 times in a song's entirety. I was waiting and hoping for the awkwardness if someone was sitting outside there home, watching this disgusting Spanish girl driving a Japanese car singing a country song. The irony was and is not lost on me in the least, however I was spared and no one noticed. At least, I don't think so.

"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain." (Jim Morrison)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Al Pacinoooooo ♥

The fact that Al Pacino is listed and there's a picture of an adorable cute pillow that says I love you on it are completely random and not intentional. I want to have that pillow though, and Pacino is amazing. End of story.

"People aren't either wicked or noble. They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict." (Lemony Snicket)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

So There!

For some reason, Tito keeps laying on the floor, near the water looking up at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. He really knows how to tear at my heart strings. It also doesn't help that his eyes are so dark in comparison to his fur, plus his tail wags so cutely when he's happy. He's also fluffy and furry and he shows affection by licking you ALL THE TIME. I have the cutest dog ever.

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Project Runway

There's something about watching a fashion show with predominantly all gay guys, women who appear lesbians, and then just the normal girls and guys, that just makes me want to watch it when my body is screaming, "YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE FASHION DESIGNS ANYWAY! WTF!". I have to watch it now though, because I've been subjected to it. It's like doing heroin in a massive dose, and then having the option to do heroin again the next day, or don't - I haven't done heroin (I'm sure that's made obvious by the fact I don't know when you are physically able to induce yourself with more heroin..), but I'm sure any drug people would catch my drift. It's like playing an epic video game, and then you can either play that game over again or vegetate until a new game comes out. You have to do it.

It's God's way of saying, "I want everyone to be happy, but you have to suffer the consequences of such happiness, either by losing your self-respect, your dignity, a man-card, etc." He's a tricky, tricky trickster figure that God, but oh, how he delivers television is beyond my body's capacity to shut my eyes to the possible train wreck before me.

I wonder if this is how people end up liking Jersey Shore... I don't know. I don't get it.

"I love to shop after a bad relationship. I don’t know. I buy a new outfit and it makes me feel better. It just does. Sometimes I see a really great outfit, I’ll break up with someone on purpose." (Rita Rudner)

^ reminds me of something Sex and the City would say. Did I get the title right? For the longest time, I thought it was Sex in the City. This is another show I've never watched.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tivo Fail =[

I'm slowly remembering that microwaveable dinners, if chosen correctly, are insanely delicious. TV dinners, why have I stopped eating you!?

It may have been the time when it was just Bart and I sitting at home, fending for ourselves while our parentals worked at the post office, when Bart cooked up some cordon bleu TV dinners for us. We liked that fancy stuff. Well, I had never had cordon bleu before, so not only was that a first experience for me, but I also had no idea how to use a knife. I was about 6 or so, that stage in life where my mom and dad cut my food for me. Those were the days..

Anyway, I asked Bart to cut my cordon bleu, and he flipped out and said, "No! You need to learn how to do that yourself, because you're old enough!" Bear in mind, Bart is six years older than I am, so he probably had a lot of tween angst towards me, the cute adorable one who never got into trouble. Clearly, he was attacking me passively by calling into question my inability to cut things with a knife. So I got a butter knife and started attempting to cut the cordon bleu. If you don't know wtf that is, I suggest you don't try it. Not only was it disgusting to eat, but it was also EXTREMELY hard to cut.

Needless to say, my fear of cordon bleu, as well as my awkward knife cutting has stuck with me, even now 19 years later. Thank you, Bart for ruining my relationship with TV dinners, as well as knives. Way to go.

(I love Bart though, because he won me a Tigger from a claw machine for my birthday. It was a happy day, indeed =] Yes, I am that simple. I really do love my brobro though!)

"To become a spectator of one's own life is to escape the suffering of life." (Oscar Wilde)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stop Cryingggggggg

I hope that one day everyone would be their own person completely, that self-confidence would be the new "fad" instead of drugs and eating disorders. I want the new populous of children/teenagers to look up to admirable figures rather than the "entertainment" they are exposed to, such as Hannah Montana, Ke$ha, and the Jersey Shore.

There's nothing wrong with being the kid who likes Dungeons & Dragons, the kid who waits on the computer to find out news for an upcoming video game, the kid who'd rather hang out with friends instead of partying. There's nothing wrong with partying if that's who you are - I'm just tired of seeing or hearing about people who are fake in order to keep up appearances. The only person they end up hurting is themselves, because you'll lose your identity in pursuit of something you can never be. You can't deny who you are - it comes out in the quirks and eccentricities that make each and every one of us ultimately unique.

We are all unique, which in a way, you would think would make us not unique, but for each personality type there are unlimited types of attributes. Embracing that and all that makes us different will bring us happiness, especially if we realize that maybe we're not that different after all =)

"Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this; that love, true love never dies. You remember that. Doesn't matter if it’s true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in." (The Five People You Meet In Heaven)

Monday, August 9, 2010


It's number 200 now! Today's date is 8-9-10, an observation that my intelligent, older brother made that I didn't even realize, which is sad because it's my birthday and I usually remember these things!

The next date for this year that I'm looking forward to is September 2nd, 2010. Just think about it, and all will be clear =]

You know, even though it's my birthday, the creative juices aren't flowing or anything. I got to wake up early in the morning so I'm cutting this short! Got to put on my big girl shorts and get through these next few weeks =)

"I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human." (David Bowie)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I find it kinda cute that my 200th blog will be on my birthday, or at least that's what I thought it said. Now I'll feel like an idiot if it's the 200th the day after..

The closer I get to accomplishing my "a blog a day" rule, the farther I get from the whole "blog for the betterment of me/artistic stuff/kindasorta journal like" nitch that I wanted to get. I actually thought about getting a blog just for pictures and quotes, so this could be more for what it was originally for. I guess I didn't set my goals in the right order, so now this whole process seems somewhat skewed and thus my performance and ultimate product is bad.

Damn widgits.

PS. I may start trying something new. I came across it on Xanga, and it could potentially be fun/enlightening. On the other hand, it could get me in trouble with Ricky, butttttttt life's all about making mistakes and being honest =]

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Love In An Elevator ♥

If I could write in any sort of fashion, I would totally want to be able to write like the text above. I just think that sort of calligraphy text is pretty, attractive, and nice-looking. I'm like a pre-pubescent girl trying to explain why I like a boy: it's impossible, but I know that I like it! It seems like you learn these writing habits when you get old. I haven't met an old person who doesn't write in an interesting sort of historical ancientness. Now I'm insulting the elderly, but seriously, I want that kind of handwriting, even if I have to write in cursive 24/7 =P

"I don’t take crap from anyone, so that makes people think I’m rebellious. I’m not. I’m just not a pushover." (Kat Dennings)

Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm glad

that I can check off one activity on my list of things I hope to accomplish before I die. I have officially participated in a dance off with the whole two opposite sides battling it out. Yeah, I did that.

Now, Tito, my amazing brother pup, is growling and eying his water dish because it keeps making noises at him. It's quite adorable, because he takes a few licks of the water then scoots back. He keeps doing this, then growls to show that water bowl what's up. I think the water will always win, just because when it makes the bubbling sound, he runs away with his tail between his legs.

He's sooooooooooooooooooo cute ♥

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years." (Abraham Lincoln)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I'm noticing a lot of pregnancies occurring through creepin' on Facebook when I'm bored, and it's somewhat unsettling to me. Not necessarily because pregnancy is bad or children are the bane of all existence, but mostly because of the ages of the girls. I can understand having kids when you're still mildly young, because the body adapts better to weight loss if you exercise after pregnancy and hormones are going great. But it scares me because it's unexpected, probably as unexpected as the girls who did get pregnant. It baffles me because I can't imagine why you'd want to have kids before you can even afford to have kids. You need money to take care of babies/toddlers. How many clothes do you think they'd go through just during the baby to toddler stage? A lot. And that's just the clothing; there's all sorts of other responsibilities that goes along with children.

It freaks me out and I'm not even doing anything to promote the occurrence of pregnancy with myself. It's such a daunting task that I can't imagine anyone being able to do it successfully (meaning the child has all they need and then some plus grows up at a normal pace) at the age of 18. I just can't. Babies are awesome and I'd much rather a girl give birth to a baby and take care of them, then have them get an abortion, which is something that shouldn't be done in my humble/personal opinion.

I'm all for having a family at some point and I give major kudos to the girls who are not only pregnant, but who are also keeping the baby. It takes a lot of guts and respect (among other things =P) to have a kid with a guy who may or may not be there in the end. I kinda blame TV shows like 16 and Pregnant and whatever other shows MTV is pushing out about pregnancy. You know, the post has to stop when I'm punning, intentionally or otherwise.

Point of the matter is, ladies and gents, please keep your parts in your pants and your minds on your future. If your future is in the others' pants, then have at it, but live with the consequences or rewards that may come from pursuing that.

"I may not have ended up where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." (Douglas Adam)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'll Show You A Rocky Horror Picture Show

(My anticipated[?] poem that I've been contemplating for two weeks and procrastinating for four days - I cannot wait until college starts. Yes, my sarcasm hand is raised, thanks for asking!!)

Twisting, twirling on your web-
you've sewn a game built on sweet nothings.
You always knew exactly what to tell me;
your cobweb lies just held me spinning.

Roasting, burning on a pyre-
a roaring massacre in a grandeur style.

I always knew you'd be my end--
You gave me life when I was dead,
Dead to the thought of true love's kiss.
I gave you the best I had,
a kiss of death born of friendly fire.

Champagne kisses fresh on my lips,
adorned in my blood stained blouse;
The metallic chrome taste stains my mouth.
I'm sorry it had to be this way, Iago.

(made by me!!)

Monday, August 2, 2010


I'm not the first to admit, but zumba kicked my ass! It's the most intensive exercise I've had in maybe 5 years when I stopped doing dance regularly. I was somewhat physically active during summer camp which I was in up until 2 years ago, so this was a major leap for me. I'm hoping to stick with it. Needless to say, after finishing with my abs burning and my ankles hurting (wtf!?), I'm really glad I paid for a full month BEFORE the class actually started.

It was a lot of fun with the fast paced music, although the instructor, of course, moved twice as fast as my mind could even go, because right when I would get a move, she would change it. Please ignore my long sentences. I've noticed that since coming back from Zumba I can't speak properly, but it's probably adrenaline or something. I saw a spider before going in, which definitely set my mind at ease *sarcasm hand is raised*

Every two songs or so there'd be a 30 second water break, which as luck would have it, ended up pushing me towards the back of the class where the teacher was even less visible, making the zumba experience that much better! I either need to dehydrate for an hour OR strap a water bottle to my hip, which will most likely explode while I shake my hips like a banshee =P

There's a weight challenge where if you lose 10 pounds within a month, you'll get $100. So if the money I put down for the lessons isn't enough to make me push myself off the couch/bed then maybe that will! So far though, so good! Can't wait till the next time it's going on! I'm prepared to be sore in the morning, but in the meantime, I will sleep like a log =]

"To me, someone’s sexuality is usually the least interesting thing about them. It’s secondary. The only reason it becomes a source for dramatic storytelling is because people have made such an issue out of it." (Cillian Murphy)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

So Many Fillers..

Just a quick blog, because my brother and my sister-in-law are in town. Bart usually makes fun of me for putting up xanga stuff, and pretty much treating me like the little sister that I am! No picture, but here's a quote :)

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides." (Audrey Hepburn)