Sunday, August 8, 2010


I find it kinda cute that my 200th blog will be on my birthday, or at least that's what I thought it said. Now I'll feel like an idiot if it's the 200th the day after..

The closer I get to accomplishing my "a blog a day" rule, the farther I get from the whole "blog for the betterment of me/artistic stuff/kindasorta journal like" nitch that I wanted to get. I actually thought about getting a blog just for pictures and quotes, so this could be more for what it was originally for. I guess I didn't set my goals in the right order, so now this whole process seems somewhat skewed and thus my performance and ultimate product is bad.

Damn widgits.

PS. I may start trying something new. I came across it on Xanga, and it could potentially be fun/enlightening. On the other hand, it could get me in trouble with Ricky, butttttttt life's all about making mistakes and being honest =]

1 comment:

  1. oh i cant wait to find out what will get you into trouble with me! *sarcasm hand raised*
