Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Don't Know What's More Stressful...

1. Moving into my new dorm today, which is apparently weird because I'm a sophmore/2nd year at FGCU and I lived on campus last year too. I just did what online housing said to do, and it said I could move in today. That does not make me a freshmen or a transfer student though!!

2. Realizing you forgot very important things, only after you arrive at the destination you were supposed to go to.

3. Living in a dorm with a constant state of paranoia due to the copious amounts of spiders and wildlife (I'm looking at you, Mr. Door Frog That Leaps!)

4. The fact my cell phone won't work correctly, so I'll get 10,000 text messages at once randomly. (This is actually more of a complaint than a stress, but it still totally counts)

All in all, moving day was incredibly stressful and I don't know how the finished product always turns out perfect, but it does. I have my lovely and stressful crew to thank for that too =)

"I am influenced and inspired by life, by the people I meet, people I work with and people I aspire and hope to meet. I read, I go to the movies, listen to music - I am just like everyone else, only I am always looking for inspiration, looking to create. I am always searching, always on the quest for beauty, for ideas and a muse to seduce me." (John Galliano)


  1. is your picture about miranda?

  2. haha it can be! i just thought it looked pretty =X

  3. You are so cruel to Miranda. She's the best character ever made.

  4. Miranda is totally different from the Australian lady she's based off of!! =P
