Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dear Ashley

I know you're on an internet and phone hiatus and I'm not sure why right now, but I know eventually you will open up and let us know. I wish I could help you right now, but all I can really do is use other people's words to help convey what I wanna say to you. It's not like it does any good, because you're internet fasting right now, but I hope that maybe when you're feeling a bit better and work out any problems you may be going through that this post can make you smile and give you hope! Consider this my form of support for you, even if you aren't aware that I'm doing this!!

So November Rain might seem the opposite of uplifting and maybe my sense of "hopeful" music is skewed because my dad ingrained me to listen to 80s music in order to feel good, BUT I'd like it if you could listen to it and imagine I'm singing this to you! In fact, I would, but as Watson can attest, my voice isn't that spectacular if at all, but for you, Ashley, I'd sing it, even if a million people were watching me! I can really relate to the song, so I naively think you can too. There's a lot of romantic connotations to this song, but you know I love you, because you're the Gene to my Finny and we balance each other out somehow so thus you won't find this song too strange.. I hope. There's always going to be rough times in life, but I want you to know that you don't have to do all of this by yourself. You have amazing friends, like Watson and I, that would drop whatever to help you <3

I can't stress this enough for you and I really wish you all the strength in the world.

You have no idea how tempted I am to put this on a CD and serenade you, because I think you really need to listen to this and really let it soak in. Ashley, you're such an amazing person that I don't think you realize how important you are to people like me. I'm sure the same could be said to Watson, but for now I'll just tell you why you're important to me.

Ashley, you may not believe this, but I've always been jealous of you. First off, you have such an amazing singing voice and you have a bright and dazzling personality that attracts people to you. You're like the lamp light all of us moths flock to, because you mesmerize us. I loved the fact that I got to befriend you sophomore year and that I got to know you all throughout the Verot plays. I always figured that by associating with you, I could grow outside of my socially awkward penguin bubble, but instead you actually liked that part of me. You always had this ability to make everyone feel welcome and you're never fake about it; you genuinely appreciate everyone and that's a beautiful thing. You see all of these amazing qualities in people that they themselves aren't aware of and I wish I could do that. What's even more great about you, is the fact that you're so humble to the point that you yourself don't think you're THIS amazing. But Ashley, you genuinely are. I wasn't lying when I told you that one day on Facebook that you are the friend that inspires me, because you inspire me to be a better person.

Much like Gene and Finny, you might not realize it, but we're not that different from each other, except for the obvious height difference. I really think I can help you, if you just let me. I know that you need time to yourself, but spending time by yourself won't fix everything. Maybe we're different in that aspect, but when I'm lonely, depressed, or even stressed, spending time with friends is always the number one cure for me.

It's really the only way I know how to cheer people up, by being there to make them smile and laugh, but if you ever needed someone to talk to, or even someone who can try their damnedest to take your mind off of whatever it is, then I'd love to be that for you.

"Everybody need somebody" and you're reading a post by a girl who is willing and ready!


  1. Jessica you are so beautiful. Words can not describe how lucky I am to have you in my life.

    Its hard to find people in your life who you feel are truly there for you and really care about bettering the world.

    I can never express how beautiful you truly are, but just know that as much as I inspire you, you inspire me.

    Without people like you in the world I wouldn't believe in anything enough to see the world's beauty <3

    I love you <3

  2. <3 I love you too Ashley!! I hope you never forget that either <3 I'll always be there for you and I will make time for you should you ever need me.

    These past few months we've all spent together tweeting, blogging, hanging out, making fun of TITO, and just being badasses, have meant so much to me. You make me stronger just through association and I'll never be able to repay you for that, but I'll always try <3
