Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hayao! :D

Hopefully the new blog layout doesn't make it too terribly difficult to read! Just felt like I needed a change and it still kind of fits with the whole sky image that I like/want.

I'm really, really tempted to go through my old blogs and delete the ones that are ENTIRELY too anger driven and shouldn't even exist on a means where people I know come into contact with them. When I get really emotional and hurt, I like to let everyone know about it, first and foremost, but then I also release all of that energy into unproductive ways.

Did I really gain anything by bashing someone online? No. True, I felt better afterwards, but its one of those things that doesn't really need to be said on a public place to be forever documented with my name and face on it.

Only reason I don't want to delete them is because they serve as an example of where I could use change and I accept that. I know I'm not perfect and I know I'm nowhere near perfect. I handle my anger through watching my parents: I harbor it, hold onto it, and then release it like no other hell fury. Yes, that's a part of who I am, but there's room there for some positive growth.

I have the hardest time being able to talk out my problems in a normal fashion. I get too passionate and don't know how to release it. It's one of my many child-like qualities, because I either take something way too personally or I'm so disgustingly indifferent to it that it looks like I'm incapable of emotion or that I'm ignoring what's going on around me. I can't seem to find a healthy medium.

Harboring those emotions within me isn't good; I'd end up belittling myself or just remaining stubborn in my negative thoughts. Writing them out isn't good; I can't write something and then not post it, so the whole write a letter and then burn it, wouldn't work for me. The thoughts behind the letter would still be on my mind. Yes, talking it out works, but when do I just stop emotion dumping on my parents? I don't like saying what's on my mind as it is and I don't have someone I can be 100% me around. I haven't found someone who can fulfill what I need and I'm okay with that. I managed to live 19 years of my life flying relatively solo, so I can mange some more :)

With classes going on, I really don't have time to focus on much else. Time goes by quickly and I'm just going to make the best of it. This year has been really awesome and I hope it continues to be that way! If I experience personal growth along the way, then I can finally say that my blog's purpose has been fulfilled =]


  1. good luck

    See, I remembered to post! #Scrunchyface

    I feel the same way with trying to release my emotions. I don't get that letter burning thing. You're putting your feelings on paper, but since you're still the only one who knows them, you're still preoccupied with them. If it's anonymity you want, you can always make an anon blog and post your feelings there, while keeping this one with your more standard feelings and thoughts.

    Also, I hope my blog can become half as good as yours.


    I'd make an anon blog, but I also like eliciting some sort of response. I'm melodramatic like that :P

    Your blog won't be half as good as mine. It will be WAY better than mine :D I bet I just freaked you out =]
