Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Before I start studying, I just have something to say about this stupid group project.

Brief back story - it's for a research methods group and we had to design our own research study and describe how we'd get the information the scientific/correct way.

I started this project by picking out the layout, a pretty impressive one with yellow/gold tetris design on the bottom border, because we're doing a project on High-Fructose Corn Syrup (I thought it was clever) with a clear and easily read font, and I also put together a rubric for each of the PowerPoint slides and filled in some of them.

For SOME reason, looking at the final PowerPoint, the layout has been replaced with a GREY AND PINK background, bolded Century Gothic font hot mess and my suggestions for the group have just gone completely over their heads.

Our study wasn't using statistics, so WHY do they think we need a p value? Because we don't and I've said this every single time they ask.

Let's just take a look at the cover slides for a nice comparison -

I just don't understand why they felt the need to change it to something that doesn't even make sense. Are aesthetics really that overrated that we can't be bothered to have our layout design somewhat correlate to what we're actually talking about?

The slides don't all look like the title one, but still, I don't see what the problem was with the original one, unless they are really offended by the "black font on white background".

The sooner this project is over with, the sooner I can just resume not giving a fuck, because this whole process has been ridiculous since this started.


  1. Pink and grey is not visually pleasing, either. I preferred your Tetris one.

  2. I don't think the teacher is going to grade based on aesthetics, though she should, but if she does, I'm just gonna be over here thinking, "I told you soooooooo!"
