Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's Good to be Back *Sarcasm Mode*

10 more posts, including this one, until I break 365? Cool beans.

The line from the Space Bag commercials keeps cycling through my head as I'm slowly unpacking my belongings. I literally have "too much stuff and not enough space." The space that I do have is clogged and littered with empty bags and half-filled water bottles in case I'm dying of thirst. Lord knows how many spiders have manifested under my pillow or within my closet, but I still entrust my life to live in the dorms.

Literally no sooner than when I typed that message, I saw something twitch behind my computer screen and lo and behold, a spider was fucking playing hide-and-seek in my blinds. He's been murdered, but his presence still has me jittery and wondering if, indeed, there will be spiders under my pillow now.

I am so sorry I even tried questioning Fate. Here's to an amazing night of sleep!!


  1. Oh God. You really do have some spider issues.

  2. At least I can kill them, right? It seems I have a lot of issues pertaining towards spiders & other life-threatening situations, such as 1st person shooter games!
