Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Got You.... Babe?

(OH BOY, does this picture send my mind into a flurry of odd images, just because of today.)
"Get your ass over here, Minnie, you saucy minx!"
"Donald, quit being an asshole! Goofy has something to say to you."

So today was incredibly epic even if I spent the day with my Vitriolic Best Bud.

[God damn it, I spilled salsa on my sock! WTF!]

Back to the topic at hand, I was very iffy on how today would go. I mean, 6 hours of solo time with Tito? That's like some sort of torture isn't it? Regardless, I will admit to being wrong and my initial thoughts were just due to my extreme prejudice against him.

I learned Alot today and gained probably a billion inside jokes with him. I've also accepted that when I attempt to make plans, they never work out, because I didn't get to see Eileen and Hannah todayy :C

BUT I managed to accomplish Alot today, like creating an entire ferority, learning what forms of tomato are pleasing to the Watson, engaging in legendary coke bottle light saber duels in which limbs were torn and stomachs pierced, learning that I probably murdered Tito in a past life and then the Muslims killed me, realizing everything is a phallic symbol, hearing that he was also a morbidly obese tiger who consumed pandas, seeing more gingers than I ever have before in my life, causing Tito to practically choke on his food from intense laughter which would have led to his imminent demise, watching soda bottles reproduce, taking a Shakespeare class that runs on the Rule of Three, riding in the Watson mobile for the first time ever, and somehow managing to keep up with hours of conversations with uproarious laughter while my face was hurting and people were silently judging us.

The first play we're reading is A Midsummer Night's Dream, which excites and thrills me beyond all comprehension, probably more than most plays should excite most normal college students. Clearly this day has been made of win and every Tuesday has to compete with this one from here on out. High standards have been set, but then again I can say, with utmost confidence, that most likely these standards will be met every Tuesday.

This day must have been so awesome because it was 1-11-11 today. I didn't fully comprehend this, because every single year there's some sort of phenomenon such as this, and my mind gets entirely too boggled.

Oh, the newest Pokemon is named Grumbles - his main form of attack is beating you with his cane and grumbling very loudly when you step on his lawn. Figured everyone should be cautious - Grumbles is quite the curmudgeon, much like Tyler Watson.


  1. I like everything about this post. In fact, I love it Alot. Also, there was an inside joke in just about every sentence there. Amazing.

  2. Even my title is an inside joke. Clearly, this blog is very well thought out and totally deserving of all of the praise you presented it!

  3. Indeed it is. I love it Alot. And we shall succeed in making every Tuesday just as awesome.

  4. I love this day so much that I'm willing to call every Tuesday "Alotday" and jie in memory of it.

  5. "I just jied in your arms tonight!"
