In the simplest, purest sense, I feel like romance and chivalry are dead. Now, this is mostly due to the Fem!Nazis that rampage about "women's rights" and what not, but what about the women who don't really care about the stereotypes? Why do we have to suffer just because you flip a desk when a guy opens a door for you and lets you go through first? A little chivalry goes a long way in this day and age when Jersey Shore is penetrating the news and Eminem is rapping about abusive relationships like it's the best type of relationship.
I will never chastise someone because they do things for me, due to my gender or otherwise. If you feel compelled to hold a door open for me, I will politely thank you and go about my way. I am in no way saying that because you held the door open for me, I will do some sexual favor for you. Chivalry doesn't work that way. Well, at least not the chivalry I wish was in society more..
Ever since I was a wee lass, I was in
love with Nsync and Backstreet Boys' music. Obsession didn't cut it. I pictured in my mind the perfect guy who would one day serenade me with that type of music, the kind that's gushing with such artificial flavor you can't help but savor it because it tastes real. I wanted that my whole life. I even pictured and would have dreams about how I would want the moment to go. Of course, I played the role of the male, because I knew it had to be exactly done the way I wanted it with the sweet sappy romance oozing out of every word sung.
As I grew older and wised up to how guys really were/are, I will be the first to admit I was severely disappointed. Had movies and television been incorrect this whole time? Where was the guys singing their affections towards their girl and why aren't guys the romantics you see in all the movies? Why are guys so crude and disrespectful towards women?
Disney nor my musical taste when I was younger had prepared me for this reality.
On my drive home, I severely contemplated how I would act if I were a boy to see if I would act like a jerk, a liar, etc. I realized since I'm not aware of how it feels to be a guy, that my closest assumption would be I would be the same just have different reproductive abilities. I mean, my chest isn't THAT voluptuous that I haven't seen my guy-ish features, like my broad shoulders and height, before. I would be a sort of host. Now before we start getting confused and Googling what I mean, in my definition a host is a guy who tries to make all girls feel welcome and appreciated. This could be synonymous with the word, "man whore", however I would like to think girls wouldn't hate me.
I would want to compliment girls, because some girls take a long time to fix themselves up and some just go au natural preferring to face the world with their actual face, not that painted one. I wouldn't want a girl to feel lonely and I guess in a way if I did all these things I'd be leading girls on a lot, but I don't know. Girls like feeling good about themselves even if it's a wasted effort to pursue the guy who is being nice. I loved/love when guys would do cute things for me or compliment me, even if it was the most roundabout way of complimenting - it didn't matter who the guy was, if I was attracted to him or not, or even if I knew him: I liked the fact that I was noticed in a crowd of people, a crowd of girls who work a lot harder than I to get attention.
I feel like guys nowadays are scared to get hurt, so they resort to buying presents, which only hurt their wallets. You can't make a girl happy with presents alone. That goes for all girls, even that one stupid sorority girl in your class. Presents are great - no girl will ever turn one down, but there's something sweet, special, and romantic about receiving something that's not expensive and really well thought out.
I've gone full-out on some of the presents I've given Ricky with so much symbolism and thought behind every single aspect of the present. For example: since we first started dating til about 6 months, we had went to movies constantly. For a present, I thought it would be cute to put my tickets on a giant cardboard board with some pictures of us on there, ranging from when we first met through the progression of our relationship. I was really proud of it and thought it was one of the best things I've ever made. But like most of the mixed CDs I make for him, it just ends up being forgotten on the wayside for better things. I understand that it's not something guys are really in to, but still. Pouring my heart into everything I give takes a toll on my creativity and my heart, because it's like I'm not getting through and I end up feeling like crap for getting non-useful items.
Guys, the point I'm trying to make is this - if you want a nice, normal relationship with a girl and you're tired of hearing her bitch about things you do, why not listen, because I'm guessing a majority of her bitch-fits are preventable. If she wishes you would profess your undying love and affection in front of your "bros", then why not just hold her hand? It's a small act that just shows you care and these small acts really are painless and add up. She'll be so amazed that you care that she'll want to do something for you, whether it be physical or not.
If only for self-gain, I hope a good lesson comes out of this blog for some people.