I seriously need a venue to vent this to, because Facebook is making me censor myself from what I actually want to say.
Let me set up the scene for you.
I have a project due on Monday (tomorrow) with 5 other people on China's Military Strength and we found out our group members early September. While I was disappointed that I had to research China instead of some other topic, I was nonetheless excited for doing said project and getting it done. I've been in some phenomenal group projects with friends or even with aquaintances, but the closer it got to the 11th, my hopes and aspirations died and turned into bitterness and anger.
Even while the date drew ever so near, I still hoped that my group leader, who assured me in person that "she is the type of person who delivers exceptionally when outside pressures affect her," would prevail and turn this bad situation around. Actually she didn't say that, I changed the words to make her appear more intelligent, but all I could hear her say was that she's lazy, incompetent, and enjoys making people like me freak out and flail while she's safely floating, nestled on a door.
As if this meeting hasn't been pushed back enough, I wake up today to get ready for the 9:30 meeting time, which she ardently said would happen because SHE couldn't make it to Friday's 10:00 meeting. I texted her asking if there was actually a meeting, then figured I'd check my FGCU e-mail on the off chance there wouldn't be an e-mail alerting me of life's hatred towards me. However, a nice quaint message sat in my inbox pleasantly welcoming into its loving embrace to tell me, "No, there isn't a meeting today, young worrier, the meeting is pushed back until 3:30 due to family issues, but the leader promises we will meet at all costs at that time."
I'm not in the mood for excuses, so blaming it on family issues after you've exhausted all of your other excuses really upsets me. First, you blamed it on life bogging you down and having to do one thing after another. Listen, toots, if you're acting like this in college, I sincerely hope I won't work with you in the future, because I really will not put up with your crap if that's the case.
Second excuse was the fact you woke up with a headache and felt really sick on Friday morning. O rly? You felt sick from your hangover, and you want me to give a shit about that? Once again, I'd love for you to EMAIL your boss saying you can't come in because you woke up with a headache and an upset tummy. Let's see how fast that job is pulled out from under you, because LIFE DOESN'T CARE.
Third excuse is "family issues". I realize this one could actually be a legitimate reason, since most workplaces give some leeway when it comes to family. I've had family issues before, but I've never halted doing my school work or took a rain check. Truth be told, I didn't want to go to the meeting on Friday because I had better things to be doing instead of padiddling around FGCU to work on a project. Guess what the difference between me and this girl? I would have went to the meeting, vomit and queasiness in full force, because that's the type of person I am, not some stupid sorority girl who thinks this is okay. It's not okay and your excuses, true or not, are wearing thin on my patience and causing me to hate people in general for your utter failure.
I will be the hell incarnate if you choose to push the 3:30 meeting back. So help me I will find you and will correct your problems by eliminating the problem, which as far as I'm concerned, is you. When you said family issues, you probably meant with your sorority anyway, which in case you didn't know it, is more concerned with themselves than with anyone else so you'd be easily replaceable by some other girl who is willing to spend $200+ to sell her soul like you did.
I could rage onward, but this is so upsetting that I'm passive aggressively taking it out on people who don't deserve it. YOU, however, Ms. Sorority Excuse of the Day Girl, will receive a low recommendation score from me when it comes to your grade and eternal despise for making my life more difficult through your blatant disregard for others.
Let me set up the scene for you.
I have a project due on Monday (tomorrow) with 5 other people on China's Military Strength and we found out our group members early September. While I was disappointed that I had to research China instead of some other topic, I was nonetheless excited for doing said project and getting it done. I've been in some phenomenal group projects with friends or even with aquaintances, but the closer it got to the 11th, my hopes and aspirations died and turned into bitterness and anger.
Even while the date drew ever so near, I still hoped that my group leader, who assured me in person that "she is the type of person who delivers exceptionally when outside pressures affect her," would prevail and turn this bad situation around. Actually she didn't say that, I changed the words to make her appear more intelligent, but all I could hear her say was that she's lazy, incompetent, and enjoys making people like me freak out and flail while she's safely floating, nestled on a door.
As if this meeting hasn't been pushed back enough, I wake up today to get ready for the 9:30 meeting time, which she ardently said would happen because SHE couldn't make it to Friday's 10:00 meeting. I texted her asking if there was actually a meeting, then figured I'd check my FGCU e-mail on the off chance there wouldn't be an e-mail alerting me of life's hatred towards me. However, a nice quaint message sat in my inbox pleasantly welcoming into its loving embrace to tell me, "No, there isn't a meeting today, young worrier, the meeting is pushed back until 3:30 due to family issues, but the leader promises we will meet at all costs at that time."
I'm not in the mood for excuses, so blaming it on family issues after you've exhausted all of your other excuses really upsets me. First, you blamed it on life bogging you down and having to do one thing after another. Listen, toots, if you're acting like this in college, I sincerely hope I won't work with you in the future, because I really will not put up with your crap if that's the case.
Second excuse was the fact you woke up with a headache and felt really sick on Friday morning. O rly? You felt sick from your hangover, and you want me to give a shit about that? Once again, I'd love for you to EMAIL your boss saying you can't come in because you woke up with a headache and an upset tummy. Let's see how fast that job is pulled out from under you, because LIFE DOESN'T CARE.
Third excuse is "family issues". I realize this one could actually be a legitimate reason, since most workplaces give some leeway when it comes to family. I've had family issues before, but I've never halted doing my school work or took a rain check. Truth be told, I didn't want to go to the meeting on Friday because I had better things to be doing instead of padiddling around FGCU to work on a project. Guess what the difference between me and this girl? I would have went to the meeting, vomit and queasiness in full force, because that's the type of person I am, not some stupid sorority girl who thinks this is okay. It's not okay and your excuses, true or not, are wearing thin on my patience and causing me to hate people in general for your utter failure.
I will be the hell incarnate if you choose to push the 3:30 meeting back. So help me I will find you and will correct your problems by eliminating the problem, which as far as I'm concerned, is you. When you said family issues, you probably meant with your sorority anyway, which in case you didn't know it, is more concerned with themselves than with anyone else so you'd be easily replaceable by some other girl who is willing to spend $200+ to sell her soul like you did.
I could rage onward, but this is so upsetting that I'm passive aggressively taking it out on people who don't deserve it. YOU, however, Ms. Sorority Excuse of the Day Girl, will receive a low recommendation score from me when it comes to your grade and eternal despise for making my life more difficult through your blatant disregard for others.
I say BURN THE BIMBO!!! (thats pretty fun to say out loud)
ReplyDeleteWhat i dont understand is what the rest of ur group is doing. Why no one else in your group seems to care enough to try and overthrown the bimbo, or at least just meet without her.