Friday, October 15, 2010


um... Hi everyone this is Jessica's boyfriend Ricky, she is feeling a tad under the weather today so I'm covering for her. She has really bad cold that she caught from either me or her roommate Natalie, most likely it was from me. I'm not much of a story teller but here is an overview of today and me trying to take care of Jess, who is a very stubborn patient.

Today we decided to go to Panera Bread for lunch since that was one of the few places we could think of that had soup! While we were there Jess discovered that they had messed up her order and given her chips instead of french bread! soooo I was too the rescue snatching up the chips and confronting the Panera people about the missing bread! they were so afraid of my might that they not only gave up the bread but also gave me the chips too! I returned the conquering hero!

Later that day we went to target. while in target Jess realized that she didn't have any tissues to blow her nose with! soo I was too the rescue again! this time though I was so dumbfounded and caught up gazing at Jess who was looking at jewelry that I walked into the door! after the brief period of disorientation I rushed out to the car to rescue the tissues!

later later that day, we went for ice at Dairy Queen. Upon pulling up to the drive through we heard the talking voice box thing say with a male voice "wel... Hurp Durp"-pause for about 1 or 2 minutes. A female voice then starts talking to us laughing as she goes. later that night Jess googled hurp durp and found out that it was a sexually transmitted disease. You should look up hurp durp on!

We then stopped and rented the movie employee of the month with Dane Cook. It was really funny and is a good rent I recommend it! we then returned the movie at like 940!

overall it was a good day despite Jess being sick and despite the fact I am not the best nurse, Im no Gaylord.. I really hope she feels better!


  1. Jess is blog is a lot better, she is a much better story tell than you will ever be! but good try though Ricky. 8p

    hope you feel better!

  2. You. Ricky. You jerk. You gave me your illness too. Expect swift vengeance.
