Thursday, September 16, 2010

She _____ Hates Me!

I think technology is out to get me.

My computer died on the Sunday that just passed, because it demanded a boot device and me in my sleepy state thought, "I can do that later! I want to see Facebook." Little did I know that I wouldn't be seeing Facebook or my computer function again! My hard drive was taken from me in quick haste to be fixed by the tech people who apparently failed at their job when they had to fix it over the summer. I have a love-hate relationship with my computers; I'm not surprised they fail on me, because I usually verbally abuse them when they fail to turn on and make them hurry to load pages when they are clearly trying their best.

Well, my parents lent me their hard drive so I could use Microsoft Word without having to commute to school and basically live in the library. Everything was fine and dandy for what seemed like a good enough period of time where I could get truly comfortable in my surroundings and accept this computer as my roommate. WRONG. It is slowly but surely turning its' back on me when I haven't even yelled at it. Okay, maybe I yelled at it once I realized what the problem has been, but I haven't yelled since that point. Maybe I don't treat my computers right. I don't talk to them as much because I feel really weird sweet-talking my computer by calling it baby. I don't want my human roommates to think I'm any more bizarre than they may already think.

This new loaner hard drive/PC combo won't play sound. Imagine my depression when I realized this trying to watch a Youtube video. Yeah, it was sad. The funny thing is, I watched a video with this new hard drive about 2 days ago. NOW, they decide to stop working. The sound is on in the corner of the computer and the sound was on the Youtube video. I don't know what's going on or if maybe my sound is being transmitted to some other residence. Point is, the sound isn't here and the computer is saying, "What are you talking about?! It's fine! Everything is fine on the home front, Sarge!" No, it's not fine.

When I cannot have the ability to watch a Pokemon musical video on my computer, I die a little on the inside. I get a hole that no one and nothing could fill when this happens. I can't get repaired at a sweat shop with tech guys like my computer could - why must these tragedies befall me? =[

1 comment:

  1. haha this made me laugh! 8p if you want ill try and get it to work! tho no promises!
