Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Slight break from my 30 day challenge (my brain spazzed out and I think I said it was a 10 day challenge previously - my mind blocked out numbers 11-30 for some odd reason..) because I need to vent some pent up and possibly hormone caused rage.

I'm all for fairness, because I believe if you did something then there should be some consequence or reward for it. I also realize that everyone should pull their own weight when it comes to group projects. Now, calling a living arrangement with 3 other girls a group project seems really generalized and off base, but follow me on this for a second: If one member keeps to themselves and takes care of their responsibilities, why should that person have to pick up the slack for other non-participatory members?

From my point of view, I may not be the cooker in the house, but I'd like to think I'm fairly manageable. I get my random spurts to clean: I vacuumed the little community areas the other night & then last night I was requested to clean the kitchen for some reason when I did nothing in the kitchen to warrant cleaning. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but if YOU make a mess, why am I cleaning it up?

Also, please alert to me why it makes more sense to use actual dishes rather than paper plates? I don't do dishwashers; they rub me the wrong way, plus I've never had one. Dishwashers piss me off and owners of dishwashers are lazy in my good opinion. Growing up living in my grandparents' house part-time, seeing as how they were my babysitters and often caretakers, taught me that whatever dishes you used, YOU cleaned. You need three plates to eat food off of, then you better clean those plates yourself. Sometimes, Pap Pap would wash them for me if he was in a generous mood, but otherwise, I had to do it myself.

I am currently stock piling my own trash, because I'm like mini-protesting, so if need arises I will show my trash bag and start ranting that I will throw my own trash out if need be! I don't mind fitting the role of a typical female, but I will sure as hell complain if I feel like it's slanted in an off direction. Yes, I'm not the cleanest person, but all my messes are within my living quarters and I clean up after myself after a certain point when I cannot stand the filth I live in.

I feel like the old scullery maid lecturing on the ignorance of the youth, but seriously. Was I taught some arcane manners that nobody else experienced in their adolescence/teen years?


  1. you forgot that when we take the trash out, we take it out for everyone in all the rooms! bedrooms and both bathrooms! where as on their days to take it out, they would leave it!

    plus the shower in your bathroom wasnt up to the standards of pressure for one of the girls, so there is more proof some are a little spoiled! 8P

  2. haha way to just call them out babe!! =P I kept my post somewhat passive, and now it's all aggressive cause of you!

  3. no i didnt use any names! plus your blog was pretty aggressive! 8p

    plus i get protective of you! 8x
