This seems fairly obvious, because I have indeed written about this possibly for the last 200 blogs I've been doing. In order to maintain some fairness and not throw my happiness in people's faces because I have an amazing boyfriend who is very silly and goes by the name of Ricky, I will blog about another one of my first loves: Mario.
Mario has touched my life in more ways than one, all of which, by the way, are completely in the G realm of reality, seeing as how he is a 2-D character trapped in a cyclical game where you know what to expect, but at the same time, it's like God's divine punishment. He creates the perfect game that you think is so incredibly easy and then he slaps you in the face with a Koopa shell and figuratively says, "Bitch! You ain't gettin' none." Yes, God embodies a black person in my mind when I play Mario games, because it's almost cruel and unusual the ways you can possibly die in that game. Racist? Maybe. Truthful? I think so.
I got off topic. Mario has been the man and triumphing over whatever evil since before I was born, which in my book, is pretty awesome because he's the one person I will admit has more skillz than I. He trumps Bowser every time in a way that's embarrassing for someone whose supposed to be fearful and intimidating; he gets the girl in the end, which you KNOW the Princess is forever grateful for, which probably lands the plumber into some nice areas. He even has a trusty stead in Yoshi, the freaking best dinosaur around who can practically fly. Even his bumbling brother side kick, Luigi, has some merit and worth despite his recent amount of fail that Nintendo puts him through.
Mario, you are indeed the man. You gave my life purpose and have been motivating me to pwn at your games since my birth. You are my reason for buying Nintendo games to this day, because I cannot get enough of your awesomeness. I'm probably the only person above the age of 10 who finds your games challenging, but you definitely have me yelling and screaming five minutes into playing the game. That totally sounded sexual.. Oh, BTW, you're girlfriend, Peach? Yeah, she's a whore. Sorry, dude.
Haha wow idk how i feel about this at all! 8P Tho it did make me laugh, so ill try and focus on that and keep from getting jealous of a 2-d(tho he is 3-d now) character!