Words are a very, very powerful tool. One sentence can make or break a relationship, a reign, a tradition. The quote, "The pen is mightier than the sword," didn't just pop up because it sounds cute. Now that we've established and reiterated that words are strong and mean a lot with what you say. I could have gone over it more extensively, but I feel like it's beating the dead horse if I continue.
Let's take that lesson and apply it to females.
Yes, this is that kind of blog for today!! =P
Females are primarily known as the more emotional gender, because they are more likely to think with their emotions rather than through logic. I'm sure there are ladies out there who are as rational as a politician, but for the more part, we are emotional wrecks who cry when pushed far enough and we hold grudges like there's no tomorrow.
When you say something to a female while trying to act all manly or macho, please know that what you say can and will possibly be held against you, not the next day, but 5 years down the line when you've completely forgotten about it. Girls tend to not forget the little things you say, like when you say another girl is hot around her or when you say that you had "potentials" while you liked her. Given all of that information, insinuating or joking about a girl's weight is a no-go for most girls. Some girls can handle that very well, but you shouldn't joke about it if the girl tells you that it bothers her. No, you can't use ignorance as an excuse, because usually the girl mentions that her weight may possibly bother her, it's just the fact you don't pay attention enough.
I wish I could forget things people have said to me over my years of living, because some of it genuinely bothers me, but it's like I can't. It's some stupid barrier that I can't get over. Granted, I say stupid things all the time and I never take into consideration when something is bad. I feel like it's a no-brainer to avoid making comments about bad things like something that most girls have issues with. I don't think that's weird, right?
"I don't wanna be afraid. I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today, and know that I'm okay. Cause everybody's perfect in their usual way. So you see, I just wanna believe in me."
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