I think to make up for a lack of pictures/quotes for Friday, Saturday and Sunday - I'll do a massive blog on Thursday night. I'm hoping to be able to blog though throughout the weekend? Maybe that's expecting too much though. This is a wedding weekend coming up!
With the wedding rapidly approaching between my brother and his fiance/my older self in some alternate reality (don't ask), I keep wondering how I would want my wedding to be.
*cue scary music* DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!
haha I think I would want something small and inexpensive. I'm not a very flamboyant person; I don't like spending money frivolously (anime/manga/some clothes/video games/books = worthy purchases); I don't deal with stress very well, so I'm pretty sure a BIG wedding would shorten my lifespan by 10 years. The more I think about it the more elopement looks appealing. I feel like this may be obvious, but I'll explain because I love hearing/seeing myself talk. I type all of this while saying it in my head - it's great!
With eloping, it'd be quick and easy and it would just kinda happen. I would much rather save money for a house, than splurge and have a huge wedding and then have to live in a condo or apartment for awhile until we save enough to get somewhere, assuming we could find a place not too expensive and nice. I read some article online talking about weddings vs. eloping, and a lot of the women talking about it said they eloped and then once they had a house, they had a small wedding to compensate for a lack thereof of wedding brouhaha. I think I would do this sort of thing, since I know my grandma especially would want me to have some sort of ceremony, if not right away. I just hate feeling like I'm wasting my parent's money by doing something I don't really 100% feel strongly about. Maybe my feelings will change when marriage/a wedding becomes more of a possibility after I'm out of college with a job.
"When I was a little kid, of course, I was brown all summer. That's because I was free as a bird - nothing to do but catch bugs all day." (Roy Blount Jr.)
^^ ah to be really brown again =]
wont you have beautiful this weekend? wouldnt u be able to do blog on that?