Marriage scares the crap out of me, and not for the reasons a person might expect.
I've never experienced a tricky divorce; my parents are still together, and yeah, they fight and bicker sometimes, but they still love each other (at least from what I can tell). I don't have commitment issues - once I pick someone, I pick someone and I don't stray from that, especially if it's serious and means a lot to me. I'm not scared of having kids or dealing with the thought of pregnancy that would be down the road after the marriage. I'm slightly scared of the whole financial aspect of it all, but that's kinda to be expected, just like my fear of wondering if I would make a good parent/wife for anyone.
But what scares me the most about the wedding is the bachelor party.
Yes, I am one of those women who fear and loathe the idea of the bachelor party. Surprise!!
It scares me more than anything else about marriage, and it occurs before I'd even be married. I know it's none of the wife's business to know what occurs at the bachelor party. Ya know, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, and all that other crap so guys won't have to worry about their soon-to-be wives finding out about the strippers and the lap dances. Yeah, that party.
A lot of guys hide behind the rouse of, "well, I had no choice! *Insert best man's name* got the girls to come over and they made me get a lap dance!" And I call bullshit and shenanigans and bologna to that whole entire statement. Let's think about this: a party full of guys and strippers and you claim to have been forced to get a lap dance? "Well, he paid for it, it would be rude to say no!" So it's better to take a lap dance for the team, than to give your fiance the peace of mind. I mean, it's not like she trusts you or anything like that. "Well, it didn't mean anything! I'm never gonna see her again anyway!" If it 'didn't mean anything to you' then why go along with it in the first place? Oh yeah, because all guys are perverted pigs who when seeing a half naked bimbo shaking in front of them, just can't wait to sink their teeth into that. Because all guys have no self control and have the brain capacity of a dog, who doesn't know right or wrong, and will continue to pee on the floor because it can't fathom having a decent thought process.
It's the fact that guys will never say no to something like that because their anatomy and genetics just tell them to hump everything - I would love to meet the guy who could or would say no in that sort of situation, because I see a great future in that prospect, or they're a fabulous liar. I thought guys were supposed to be these macho men who don't cave under peer pressure, but it sure seems possible when women and their guys friends are involved.
Me, bitter? Maybe. Call me a shrew or a vengeful typical woman, but if my fiance had some crazy ass bachelor party, I'd wanna have a crazy bachelorette party, even if that's really not what I would want. To be honest, if I had a bachelorette party, it would just be me and my closest girl friends (since apparently only girls can go to those - typical men to say women can't have male strippers at their parties, but female strippers at theirs is completely okay - double standard alert!) sitting at one of their apartments or houses just watching movies or playing trivia games. If any of them even thought of bringing a male stripper there, I would leave or tell them to leave, because I'm not interested in any of that. I don't want some guy, a random guy, dancing around me or whatever it is that those people do at those sorts of events. I'd kinda be insulted at whoever paid for that, because it's like they don't even know me at all. I'm sure some women would enjoy that at their bachelorette party, but I wouldn't - that's not who I am. I'd much rather have fun playing video games at my party than anything sexual like a male dancer (wtf are they even called anyway?).
Yes, I'm passionate about silly futuristic things like bachelor parties, but I can't seem to get excited about summer school, which I'm currently in. But that's just who I am =)
End rant.
"You've got to love what's lovable and hate what's hate-able. It takes brains to see the difference." (Robert Frost)
*edit* However, when it comes to the whole bachelor party thing, if a guy is honest about what he did and doesn't make bullshit excuses for it, like I listed above, and he openly admits he wanted to go through with it, then that's a whole different situation. Honesty is much more preferred than bullshit, even if it really really hurts. But I'm still gonna be vindictive, so, I guess it's lose-lose. =P