Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finding My Shangri-La ♥

I'm reaching out for something greater than myself.
Will it accept me, a flawed human existence?
Only time will tell.

I hope through fruition of mind, body, and soul
I may come to peace with what can and what can't,
what will be and what won't,
what is and what isn't.
Only then will I know my true self.

I cannot lift boulders by my own power,
but I can move people through my words and actions.
I cannot change what has been done,
but I can change my mindset in order to forgive.
I won't get the chance to become a priest or Shaolin monk,
but I can present myself with grace and fluidity and practice love and justice.

I may not know where life's journey may take me,
but I'll follow its path until the bittersweet end,
learning to deal with the vinegar in a world meant for honey.


1 comment:

  1. that was really good! and cool! i like it! I wish i could write poems like you! except mine all sound like dr suess wrote them! 8X
