Friday, May 21, 2010

Barely Made It!!

haha I actually forgot about this completely and thought I haven't done a blog for days - I guess that just kinda proves how long this day has been and how superfluously busy it was =P

Get that vocab for incorrect use!

"What do you really want?" I asked him impatiently. "You, I want you," he replied. I wasn't buying it. I turned to walk away, when he stopped me. "I want that part of you that gets excited when you hear the ice cream truck. The part that cries when old people die in movies. The part that cares about much more than what she wears. The part where she can totally be herself. The part that when I look at her, I only see her. The part where she could never give up a stuffed animal, cause she'll feel bad for it. The part where she wants me too. That's what I really want."


  1. I went onto my blogger main page, and saw the Up icon in my list. I have Up on right now as I type this. Coincidence?! No way.

  2. I'm thinking its like cosmic divine power, since I know I don't have any superpowers.. unfortunately =(

    (Up is the best animated movie to come out recently - it's seriously really high up there on my favorites)
