Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh, look, I've got a doctorate

so that automatically makes me better than you uneducated heathens who should bow to my every whim and sense my presence, because I have a doctorate, which makes me fucking special.

I hate people. So so much.

It's one thing to use manners, but if you're gonna be a bitch and wonder why you're not getting respect, I think you know the answer.

Who knew getting a doctorate meant you were so much better than everyone else that you didn't have to be polite? Can't wait til I get to be an asshole to people trying to get an education... oh wait, I wouldn't do that, because I'm not a raging bitch.

This damn school seems to be littered with all sorts of these people and this is when a Death Note would be all sorts of useful.

But seriously, when did we just throw manners out the window? When did we throw out the word "please" and insert commands instead? When did we just start standing idly, glaring at people in our way, rather than just saying, "excuse me?" Is this an old lady nurse trait? I've yet to meet an older female teacher in this program who doesn't have a giant stick up their ass.

I hate that every day I realize how shitty people are and how horrible they are in all spectrums. It's not just the youth that's the problem - it's all these old people too. It's a never ending cycle of assholes. I'll admit to not being perfect and that my temper gets the better of me and that sometimes seeing naive freshmen makes me want to punch them in the face. I get that. But these ladies, people who are getting PAID to teach and PAID to provide us the means to succeed, need to calm down, take a step back, and remember how they felt back in the day when they were in our position.

Do not preach to me about how children these days act like they are entitled to things, when you yourself act like you're entitled to respect. No. That's something you have to earn. Our whole grade in this program is trying and we're struggling. Is it our fault? Maybe. But having teachers and faculty that genuinely do not care, treat us like idiots, and fail to empathize with our situation... that doesn't help anything & that's not even being a good example of what being a nurse is all about.


  1. You know, I thought you were saying for a second that you had gone and gotten a doctorate.

    I agree, a lot of the faculty are assholes, but I think that's what it's like at most colleges. God knows why.

  2. hahahahaha yes I skipped everything and I'm all done! I wish that's how life worked :P

    I just hate seeing faculty/teachers who don't care or who only put in the minimum amount of effort! It's unfortunate :/
