all I can say is that I'm glad my feelings towards Blayn aren't super strong, because otherwise I'd be slightly hurt right now.
I trust him plenty and I have a general idea of his personality, so I know he wouldn't do anything intentionally to hurt me, but yeah. He texts me during my nap, which was around 4 pm, saying "GOD DAMN IT WHY!??!?!?! WHY MEEEEEEE" and then I texted, "what happened?" I didn't get a response.
I ended up sleeping for a million hours, wasting my day away, which I think is the only downfall to staying up late.
Then he responds at 7:04 saying, "my ex came to visit me RANDOMLY... the hell. I was sleeping and then boom she came over. And im to fucking nice to say go away... Ahhhhhhh... like I was sleeping then boom. WTF. Granted she just was over for a little bit. But still...... >.< "
I don't even know how to respond other than asking if she even offered a reason to go over there, because I'm pretty sure they're still on friendly terms and it's not a big deal if she had a reason. And then I have to wonder if 3 hours is a short time according to Blayn or if she had left sooner but he didn't check his phone.. or something. Like maybe he's talking with his Port Charlotte friends about whatever and contemplating us and what not, because he's that kind of guy who puts his friends' advice above his own judgement.
Is it weird that moments like this makes me think this is going to be short lived? Look at how far I have construed this. It doesn't help that he hasn't responded; I'm not the type of person that needs an immediate text, but he dropped a bit of a bomb on me without much to settle my spastic mind. And maybe I'm just over-reacting or being paranoid, but I feel anxious about this and him not responding with ANYTHING doesn't help. I'd settle for a "ttyl" or "I'll explain later"; I'm not expecting anything else but something along those lines.
Silly Jessica is silly.
I just don't even know though - the more time goes by, the less sense I'm going to make and I don't want to be spamming him with texts until he answers and I'd rather not be thinking negatively when I hardly have any basis to assume the worst.
*edit* and then at 8:25, he posts on facebook, "i think it might be time to leave home permently". His spelling. Still no response to my text D:
NVM. Now I wish he didn't respond in the first place.
*edit* and then at 8:25, he posts on facebook, "i think it might be time to leave home permently". His spelling. Still no response to my text D:
NVM. Now I wish he didn't respond in the first place.