Sunday, July 17, 2011

that feeling

...where you feel physically sick, but also heart-wrenching emotionally sick over something incredibly simple that shouldn't mean anything, but for some reason does, because you're an idiot and are too stupid to realize when to quit.. much like your troll stalker who not only texts once, but will continue to re-send the text repeatedly

...where you can't talk about it, because just trying to formulate coherent thoughts is too difficult a task, because words will never be enough

...where even if you somehow found the words to use, it would just make you seem incredibly immature and weak and the thought of being weak makes everything hurt that much worse

...where you have so much adrenaline that you want to do something.. ANYTHING just to take your mind off of it, but then you realize it's 11:25pm and you can't, because you don't want to disturb other people's sleep/peace

But, you know, the feeling I hate the most? Feeling like it'll never actually get better.

Oh, small things, how you tear at my heart-strings with no care of how my heart will play in the future :/


  1. We should go out for like tea or something <3

  2. I would definitely drink tea, despite not liking it very much, if it meant I could spend time with you!

  3. well it was just the first thing that came to mind ahah, i was craving some. but like coffee or smoothies or icecream or pizza hehehe anything really hehe :)
