Saturday, July 23, 2011


Anything you want to post about.

I need an outlet to talk about my latest guilty pleasure and what better time & place than now :D

This is the closing song for Uta No Prince-sama or another title that I see floating around the internet is Maji 1000%, although I'm not entirely sure why that's an alternative title..

I cannot stop myself from not only listening to this song & since yesterday, I have decided to follow the anime religiously with each weekly release. It's not even that good of an anime either. There are so many things that are lulzy about it, like how the "heroine", who has the CREEPIEST eyes that I have ever seen, doesn't know how to read music, but that it would be a good idea to apply to an extremely prestigious music academy in order to be a composer.

Excuse me, but WHAT WHAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING? That's like someone who wants to be an Olympic swimmer, but can't swim. I'm not the only one that sees a problem with this, right?

Well, within 3 episodes, she can finally read music, so I can't complain anymore... yet. The anime itself is INCREDIBLY predictable and there really is nothing extravagant about this, except for, you know, the fact Japanese men are singing and voice acting brilliantly. I'll put it plainly, but this is one of the best cases of bishie overload that I have ever seen and I am not complaining in the least.

(as of episode 3, the red-head is my favorite. Go figure!)

The reality is, although this anime isn't as mentally stimulating/profound as other ones, this suits my needs. It's happy-go-lucky, brightly colored and cute, plus it takes my mind off of the fact that my mom has been particularly bothersome as of late. The song alone will make me smile like an idiot.

I feel like it should also be mentioned: this anime is based off of a dating-sim video game.. if that wasn't made obvious by "bishie overload" or the fact there's a relatively incompetent female protagonist that I'm supposed to give a shit about. I'm just here for the music, the guys, and their bromances with each other :D

(her eyes are nightmare fuel...)

The fourth episode came out today, so I'm excited to watch it :D

Thus ends this random challenge and I shall go back to not blogging unless I have reason to!

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