First and foremost, this song has been filling my ears with sweet melodious music and now I am craving winter/Christmas celebrations. Despite the fact that this song is bittersweet, for me it isn't. Maybe it's because of the instruments, the bells, or his voice, because let's be honest, it's a nice voice, but I get filled with good memories and feelings listening to it. I'll just chalk that up to me being strange.
Like Watson touched upon in his blog, I am stressing about the future too. Mostly because I feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot & here's why.
I foolhardily accepted an Honors Program nomination, which I tried the previous year and got rejected, and I got accepted, when I really didn't think I would. I pretty much showed all of my bizarre quirks, like how I cannot formulate sentences coherently in stressful situations, but I got it anyway. REGARDLESS, here I am with 5 Nursing classes, 2 of which will have a separate lab & another 2 of which are supposedly the hardest classes in the Nursing program.
To be in the HP, you have to take an honors class. With 5 Nursing classes, my parents basically told me to drop the honors thing and I have to agree. Am I really going to break my back for something that I don't 100% believe in? I'm all for scholastic achievement, but I don't agree with things that program stands for, which brings me to this point.
What I wanna do in the future, because I planned on going to Graduate school at FGCU too, was nurse anesthesiology. The big boss of that Nursing section? ONE OF THE BIG BOSSES OF HP. Granted, he won't remember me after two years, but what if he does? What if that big boss sees my quitting as weakness or something..
Looks like I'll have to put on a pair of big girl panties and endeavor to persevere. In the meantime, USF is looking mighty appealing.
Maybe I should concentrate on even surviving this semester before I worry about 2 years from now :/