Monday, March 21, 2011


Now the story with this is kind of odd, which then again, most of my friendships are, so it makes sense.

If only I could remember the year this happened, but it was one year at summer camp - I was 14, because it was the year after I "dated" Cowboy, so I guess the year was 2005. Regardless, we had just been utterly defeated at the flag football tournament and I just had an extremely awkward moment with Cowboy, in which he shook my hand to show good sportsmanship? I don't know. It was weird and I didn't enjoy seeing him, so I was grouchy, kind of like how I am at this moment.

But then while I'm walking to the restrooms/water fountain, someone popped up next to me, singing this song from beginning to end. I thought it was so random and bizarre, but I couldn't help but laugh. I hadn't really talked to this guy before, and here he is singing, "I Will Survive". You try being in a bad mood when that happens!

So I'm walking, he's singing and dancing around me while doing so, and once I got to the water fountain, which was surrounded by other teens from different camps and camp counselors, he was STILL singing and dancing. Not once was he embarrassed to be singing it and not once did he lower his volume, so I started to sing along with him when I actually knew the lines confidently.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship and he's still one of the greatest guys I've ever met. He's always doing this sort of stuff to make me smile & I don't think I can ever repay him for the many times he's cheered me up. I bet he doesn't even remember this happening <3


  1. THAT IS AMAZING! SERIOUSLY! He is black swan perfect. let him know that! :D

    i also want to let you know that i pictured cowboy, with a cowboy hat on the entire time despite playing flag football. <3

  2. hahaha I'll let him know!! :P

    I <3 you so much ashley!

  3. I pictured Cowboy looking like this:

    Am I close?

  4. If I was drinking something when I clicked on that picture*, the contents would have been sprayed EVERYWHERE.

    That is what he looks like if he looked less friendly and more of a jerk :P
