Friday, March 25, 2011


This really isn't fair, considering P!ATD just released a new CD and I'm in love with so many of their new songs. It also doesn't help that I'm so wishy-washy when it comes to picking a favorite anything.

Okay, I can't decide. So I'm picking one from their new CD and I'm so entirely obsessed with this song right now. I wanna quote the hell out of it whenever I get onto Facebook. It takes all of my power just to refrain from doing so :P

Just everything about it, it's the last song on their CD & the first song was "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" hence why Mona Lisa randomly gets allusioned to at the end of it. It's just amazing. The whole CD, all of it. I want to post ALL OF THE SONGS! :D <3


  1. Hahaha thats so cool I had no idea you liked them this much. I have to be honest this song is like the second song by them Im ever hearing, but I'll have to check them out if you like them :D

  2. I didn't even realize they released their new album. I liked their last one, sad they broke up, happy they got back together, and liked what I heard here.

  3. Yeah instead of the 4 dudes, it's only 2: Brendon & Spencer, but the songs are still amazing.

    Ashley, you must listen to them! It was either post a PATD song or an AVA song.. shoulda went for AVA since I don't think you guys have ever heard any of their songs before :P

  4. The CD came out on the 22nd :D it's all I have been listening to when I'm not checking out your blog and such =]
