and know that this is the last time I'll ever speak of you.

You know what amazes me about people? Maybe this goes back to my whole flaw where I give people the benefit of the doubt despite having irrefutable evidence that says otherwise, but I'm amazed at people's immaturity.
I'm not saying they can't be bubble blowers or jelly fishers or Spongebob enthusiasts like myself, but there's something wrong when in a serious situation, you can't be serious or even attempt to.
Detailed description--
I received a call from Ricky apparently awhile ago and my phone never told me, because my phone rarely tells me anything of value unless it's a text or a twitter update. Well, he sounded like it was something important, something even life-threatening, and I figured, "what the hell *shrug* why not call back just to be civil and... adult?" I called and received a phone conversation that went a little something like this:
*phone is picked up on the other end but no response*
Me: "..Hello?"
Him: "Hello?"
Me: "Hi??"
Him: "Who is this?"
Me: "..........."
Him: "Calm down, I know who this is."
Me: "........."
Him: "Hello?"
Me: "HELLO."
*I hang up the phone*
Seriously. I call you and you wanna play a game with me like I have all this time in the world to dick around? Like my phone call to you was indicative of me wanting you back, so thus you have all the power in the world to treat me like an idiot?
No. I'm not calling you back. No. I don't wish to talk to you anymore. I wanted to be civil towards you and hear what you could have POSSIBLY had to say after everything that's happened, and you treat my phone call like a fucking joke. No. I'm not putting up with these games anymore.
I'm surrounded by friends that actually care about me and my life is filled with amazing possibilities for my future. Where are you in that spectrum? Hanging out with people who really don't give two shits about you and will most likely follow into their bad habits? Sorry. Not my cup of tea, not my lifestyle, ergo neither are you.
Your immaturity today hammered in the last nail on the coffin that is "us," so congratulations.
You can be immature as much as you want, but being immature in every facet of your life won't get you anywhere. You have to be able to be serious about something, and if you can't be serious about your friendships/past relationships then no one is going to want your company. Simple as that.
I respect Watson enough as a person to be able to admit that he's a friend, even if it pains me to admit that due to our vitriolic nature. I respect my fallen friendships enough to realize that people move on and things change. I respect my family for not always being there when I need them the most, but you know what? I treasure each person in my life as someone that's important to me or my development. To think I actually treasured you as someone who was so "special" and "different" sickens me like no other. I hope you read this too. You can leave me as many voice mails as you'd like with random laughter in the background, but I'm not answering or responding.
You can fuck up your own life and deal with its consequences. I will play no part in it.
You know what amazes me about people? Maybe this goes back to my whole flaw where I give people the benefit of the doubt despite having irrefutable evidence that says otherwise, but I'm amazed at people's immaturity.
I'm not saying they can't be bubble blowers or jelly fishers or Spongebob enthusiasts like myself, but there's something wrong when in a serious situation, you can't be serious or even attempt to.
Detailed description--
I received a call from Ricky apparently awhile ago and my phone never told me, because my phone rarely tells me anything of value unless it's a text or a twitter update. Well, he sounded like it was something important, something even life-threatening, and I figured, "what the hell *shrug* why not call back just to be civil and... adult?" I called and received a phone conversation that went a little something like this:
*phone is picked up on the other end but no response*
Me: "..Hello?"
Him: "Hello?"
Me: "Hi??"
Him: "Who is this?"
Me: "..........."
Him: "Calm down, I know who this is."
Me: "........."
Him: "Hello?"
Me: "HELLO."
*I hang up the phone*
Seriously. I call you and you wanna play a game with me like I have all this time in the world to dick around? Like my phone call to you was indicative of me wanting you back, so thus you have all the power in the world to treat me like an idiot?
No. I'm not calling you back. No. I don't wish to talk to you anymore. I wanted to be civil towards you and hear what you could have POSSIBLY had to say after everything that's happened, and you treat my phone call like a fucking joke. No. I'm not putting up with these games anymore.
I'm surrounded by friends that actually care about me and my life is filled with amazing possibilities for my future. Where are you in that spectrum? Hanging out with people who really don't give two shits about you and will most likely follow into their bad habits? Sorry. Not my cup of tea, not my lifestyle, ergo neither are you.
Your immaturity today hammered in the last nail on the coffin that is "us," so congratulations.
You can be immature as much as you want, but being immature in every facet of your life won't get you anywhere. You have to be able to be serious about something, and if you can't be serious about your friendships/past relationships then no one is going to want your company. Simple as that.
I respect Watson enough as a person to be able to admit that he's a friend, even if it pains me to admit that due to our vitriolic nature. I respect my fallen friendships enough to realize that people move on and things change. I respect my family for not always being there when I need them the most, but you know what? I treasure each person in my life as someone that's important to me or my development. To think I actually treasured you as someone who was so "special" and "different" sickens me like no other. I hope you read this too. You can leave me as many voice mails as you'd like with random laughter in the background, but I'm not answering or responding.
You can fuck up your own life and deal with its consequences. I will play no part in it.
Glad to see you standing on your own feet!! Sendings lots of love your way!! You are amazing and have so much to look forward to... Excited to see what your future holds. Xo's, sis.
ReplyDelete- Jess B ; )
Seems like your eyes have been opened.... glad you are looking out for you. : ) Like Jessica said.... You are amazing! You deserve better!! Now is the time to take care of you, to develop yourself.....enjoy life. Explore and discover your future. Love ya!! ~Omega~