Sunday, January 23, 2011


So since I've already past the 365 day mark, I won't even care that my blog is off my 11 minutes.

I just got back from the most BALLIN' party ever. There was so much win (when?) and awesome (ausssss) at that party that I can't even contain my excitement. I smell of smoke and apparently my hair smells like ash and I totally know my clothes reek of fire. There was a massive bonfire, an epic game of Manhunt, at which I pwned due to my long extremities and I was totally praised for my Herculean effort to elongate my body. I touched so many people.

Brett had like 5 dogs, one of which was deaf and blind and SOOOO tiny!! So adorable. I witnessed it tripping in the game room and felt really bad for her. I don't think I ever stopped laughing since I got there and I meet some seriously interesting characters. Like this Jacob kid - he could do these CRAZY magic tricks AND he sliced a Cheeto completely in half, with a smooth cut and everything, with just a card. SO AWESOME. And then there was this kid named Sterling, legit. He totally did the WHOLE V for Vendetta monologue where V introduces himself AND did the whole "coconut/swallow" scene for Monty Python.

During a game of Manhunt when I was hiding, a car pulled up into Brett's massive lawn/drive way and Austin was a seeker. He screamed, "FEZ?" and then a voice said, "Maybe???" All I heard was Austin scream, "OMGGGGG!" and I sprinted from my hiding spot all while screaming, "FEZ?!?!" I touched the tree and Fez completely tackle hugged me screaming, "BARBARA MANATEEEEEE!!" God. It was amazing.

Austin and I had to return a hat to one of his mom's friends during the party, so we went together and blasted Lady Gaga out of the windows while belting out the lyrics! His truck is supremely high off the ground so it was like we were flying =] So much funnnnnnn

Then this kid Justin was playing the guitar and he sounded awesome! And Brett totally loved my birthday card I gave him and he even passed around my amazing creativity for everyone to witness and behold. I was totally modest during the situation! Not really, but still. It was great.

The food was great! There was jambalaya with shrimps in it, an amazing chocolate cake of frosting with chocolate cake on the inside, meatballssss. So much yummy things. They had sodassss and that reminds me! Within an hour or so of this party, this kid, I think his name was Evan?, hit a shaken up can of Pepsi that Brett also tore a little hole in and it totally flung towards me. There was trampoline too, but that was too intense for me to even contemplate! It was also really cold before the bonfire was built and apparently I am shorter than I was back in camp? I accused Kolton of just getting taller and he said he hasn't, so apparently I was taller then, for those who care.

Just the greatest party ever. So many awesome people all contained within a single household breeds fantastic fun and entertainment. I totally wish I could relive this night over and over again.

Oh, by the way, I haven't mentioned this yet, but it totally explains why I'm typing like this. I drank TWO, count 'em, TWOOOOOOOO cans of Mountain Dew and I never have regular soda. SO OMG I'M NOT EVEN TIRED.

But Fez is apparently moving which causes me to become really depressed, because he almost didn't even tell us, until me and Austin were about to leave! He's moving to California which is on the other side of the worlddddddd. Austin said we should totally road trip it one day and that'd be a blasty blast. We'd record the whole adventure and it'd be phenomenalllll. But anyway, Fez is having a party that entire weekend, I guess, so I'm definitely going to try to go, because I need more Fez before he moves! =( I got one picture with him that I know of.. I know people that went to the party have other pictures and Austin has one of us pickle hugging and it's so perfectly weird.

I find it funny that some of my longest friendships have bred from going to summer camp. One more reason of why cramming 30 teenagers in a portable is a good idea: you totally end up getting to know each other really well. We were probably the most obnoxious people at this party and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I was pretty well accepted, despite being the one that nobody knew. Awesome party that consisted 10 hours of my day. I never wanna forget this day, because this is the day that worlds collided and an awesome baby was probably born. Not at the party of course, but still.


Another note worth noting: we've established the new word for win, which I've already alluded to, but the word is "when" which sounds really similar but it's very different. I honestly think I inhaled some of those toxic fumes from the bonfire that Kolton was warning about, but seriously. My sense of humor was ROLLING tonight.

Kolton: "after all that hard work I put into that boat and now look at it?"
Me: "the tarp?"

"If a dog = an elephant, anything is possible!"

Fez: "Apparently there's a vibrator app on the Droid."
Me: "Hmmmmmmmmmm"
*everyone stares*
Austin: "Did you just go, 'Mmmmm?'"
Me: " I went Hmmmm.. but on another note, I happen to have a Droid.."
Austin & Fez: "You would!"
Me: "Why do you think I'm in such a good mood?!"
Austin: "Yeah, because you'd be super bitch otherwise!"

So much awesome conversation that I can't even begin to summarize this day/night to its full extent. 10 hours of sheer ecstasy and possibly 4 hours sniffing that damn fumes from the bonfire. I'm so good to go that I don't think I can sleep tonight. I don't even think I want to bathe. *monster voice* LET THEM BURNNNNNN. That's totally not what that kid Michael said, but his voice was great.

I almost beat Sterling at fooseball, which I haven't played in eons. And I watched Austin, Sterling, and this kid Chris play fooseball for probably a really, really long time. I also met this one girl named Sarah whose super awesome and was ALSO super hyper.

OMGGGGGGGGG. I thought of something super amazing to say and then it vanished from my brain and now I'm pissed! But then I remember that TYLER WATSON just got attacked by a spider and now my life is officially on top of the world and justice has been served. I'm starting to get a headache now, probably from the sugar rush and smoke. I BROKE STICKS to add to the fire! I felt accomplished. I also cleaned, like women do, at a party that I wasn't even hosting. Then again, I made a mess within 5 minutes of my being there, so it was probably really worth the effort to pick up after other people.

LONG POST SHORT: This party is the end all be all parties and I can't believe I could have been a part of such an amazing group of people all celebrating an amazing guy's birthday whose name is Brett Danger Parbus. You can't get much better than that. I love everyone that went, even those individuals I didn't really talk to. It wasn't because I was too cool to talk to you, but that I thought you were too cool to talk to me. Totes.

*done by 1:01 am!*

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