Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meme Kind of Day

So there is so much stuff going on and on top of that college is happening and things will be due. I'm going to go bonkers from stress and excitement all bound together like a rubber band ball!! I have a 4-6 page paper to write for my Colloquium class, which is pass or fail and it's ultimately an opinion paper. He's even admitted to the fact that if you turn something in, you'll pass the paper, but he's giving feedback, so I wanna put forth my best effort to know what he would deem an "A" paper. This is all so I can tell how much I can slack on the papers, of course =)

AND on top of that this weekend and possibly next weekend are booked solid with planssssssss, which is exciting and stressful. I seem to be going home every single weekend just for the ease and the fact of who I'm hanging out with. Welp, tomorrow I'm going to be shopping and buying possible presents.. OR just killing time before noon, at which point in time I will be seeing Garrett and my cousins and my aunt and apparently my family thinks Garrett can handle meeting my MOM & PAP PAP. This is mind blowing stuff right here, especially considering what perverse things Garrett has been texting to me, but who am I to question the company of my cousins who live 100+ miles away from here!

AND then, I'm going to be willingly thrown into a social situation where I'm friends with maybe 3 other people at said event, when there's projected to be about 30+ there. Needless to say, the numbers are frightening to me, but I'm sure it'll be great. The 3 people that I do know are all amazing and funny, plus I have a fabulous sense of humor and will laugh at anything I deem to be hilarious. Which is a vast majority of topics, but still. It's also the fact I was invited via friend of the person whose throwing the party - I'd be much better off mentally if the actual host invited me and he probably didn't for good reason. I mean seriously, I only know 3 other people. But knowing that one of three really wanted me to go definitely sealed the deal on me attending =] I hope it will be oodles of funnnnnn

So on Sunday, I'll probably write my paper and do all my other work. BTW, what is constant and always happening like the ocean waves onto the shore and it can't be the ticking hands of a clock? WHY IS THE SONNET REWRITE SO DIFFICULT? Oh yeah, because it has to be modern and still maintain content while being creative. *head desk*


  1. .... I will totally pwn you at the sonnet rewrite even though your sonnet choice is MUCH MUCH better than mine.
