Thursday, December 16, 2010


So much has happened this year that I'm amazed that it's coming to an end within 15 days or so - I don't even know how permanent the change is, but I'm tired of alluding to it without ever saying it flat out and maybe that's actually what I need to do.

Ricky and I are no longer dating. To be honest, we haven't been since early November or so. Doesn't really matter who instigated it, but there's also no point in sugar coating anything anymore either. For awhile we were just going through the motions like we were, just acting like friends rather than anything else. I could probably research when exactly the problems started, but there's just so much underneath the relationship rug, that I'd be here retelling horrible memories for awhile.

Sure, there are good memories too. Like my Dragon Quest V has taught me, I can be traumatized be anything and I can't get over the past to move onto the future.

I'm sorry if anyone is upset about this, but there's just no point in pretending anymore. I don't know how to feel about all that's happened, and I don't have my iPod to listen to to find the exact song I'm thinking of, so please deal with the repeat of song -

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