Monday, November 29, 2010



There's really nothing worse than life slapping you in the face with the past, when the past still hurts like hell.

I'm surprised I'm not already cowering in fear of the most inane things, because it really doesn't take much to send me spiraling into this pathetic panda mood that I'm in now. All it took today was a simple hello that was not directed to me, but rather the other person who was in my company. Reason it hurt, I knew the person who said hi and it just gets incredibly complicated from there.

At this point in time, I can't bring myself to study and all I can think about is, "To hell with studying those 23 chapters I'll be tested on for Anatomy. I'd rather sleep than study anyway."

So thank you, jerkwad, for causing this debacle.
Thank you, random person, for giving me this massive complex towards you that you personally didn't cause. It was jerkwad's fault, but you must suffer for being the way you are.
Thank you, jerkwad, for singlehandedly fucking up my life and psyche (if only this weren't an exaggeration..)

ugh, just ugh.


  1. That happens to me all the time. Unfortunately, I still haven't figure out how to deal with it yet :-(

  2. it's truly a sucky situation and during the two weeks from hell too, which doubles the suckyness. I can't even speak - that's how bad this is.

  3. At least you didn't get your first speeding ticket today :-( Right before I had to give my Experimental Psych presentation too.

  4. awww seriously?! I'm so sorry!!! that's why you totally ditched me today after your class cuz I saw you make eye contact, but then you walked away :C at least it wasn't a legit car crash! *knocks on wood*
