I appear to be approaching a transitional stage of my life, which usually comes in the fall and spring time. During this stage, I experience a multitude of transformations in order to cope with the adaptation required for survival. My hair begins thinning and being pretty much crappy; what little semblance I have to call "nails" begins disappearing, despite my attempts to finally grow them out; I dress more slovenly, because I can't bring myself to care enough to look presentable; I get violent, moody, grumpy, sleepy, and all sorts of other negative emotions that override my generally complacent demeanor.
The reason for this transformation? The upcoming and most certainly dreaded week of FINALS.
As finals draws closer, my progression into madness grows more imminent and more pronounced. I start eating more, because food tastes good and who doesn't like to snack when they "study?" With this last month of school having to be pushed out like an infant who refuses to leave the security of the womb, I feel like bringing myself to study is a far too formidable task for me to achieve. I don't know what exactly occurs with me mentally, but my innate urge for more sleep and less work ultimately dooms me in the end.
Here's a smidgen of my workload, which wouldn't have been so bad if my procrastination didn't kick in to screw me over -
- I need to read a 585 page book by next Wednesday the 17th, as well as have e-mailed my paper to my Asia History class. My paper needs to be 4-6 pages long and it's on a book. Basically, it's a book report for my history class. There are way too many things to comment on with this one assignment alone, so I'll just leave it at this.
- I have an in-class essay for English this upcoming Monday the 15th, an essay in which I could bring a rough draft should I choose to be studious and save time and energy.
- I have a test in Anatomy 2 on Monday the 15th which encompasses 5 chapters. No big deal, right? Wrong. My teacher is so positively German that the accent has me drowning in a sea of medical verbatim/physiology I don't comprehend to the extent that he desires. You'd think honing my own German accent to perfection would help, but it really doesn't. Thus, the 14 page summary I did for the last test which garnered me a 78 means I need to work that much more vigorously. Did I mention I made that study guide for fun/educational purposes? No? Well, I did. I got a 78 for doing a crap ton of work and with my slothiness, I sincerely doubt I can motivate myself to do MORE.
This is a snippet of my life, not even taking into consideration the finals or extraneous personal matters, which I guess in the grand scheme of things don't matter very much.
My life is tumultuous, because I lack the aptitude to sit down and work. On the other hand, I've typed up this long blog post, which makes me feel accomplished. Let's face it, that's all we really want at the end of the day: the inner feeling of personal accomplishment. Just slap an Xbox achievement on that and let's call it a day, folks!!
My life is tumultuous, because I lack the aptitude to sit down and work. On the other hand, I've typed up this long blog post, which makes me feel accomplished. Let's face it, that's all we really want at the end of the day: the inner feeling of personal accomplishment. Just slap an Xbox achievement on that and let's call it a day, folks!!
This was really good. You are really starting to come into your own about your blogs. Its easy to imagine you saying this.You are able to take serious problems such as you being over worked and super stressed out and make the topic fun and interesting to read about while still being able to convey the seriousness of the topic.
ReplyDeleteI hope this makes sense but the main point is that your blogs are getting better and better and are really good.
It really doesn't make sense at all that professors and teachers pile so much work at the end of the semester. Why wouldn't some of the teachers have the projects be due early or mid semester not within the last 2-3 weeks of classes.
because teachers are maniacal fiends who enjoy oppressing over the measly ants just trying to get by in life to make a name for themselves!
ReplyDeleteNotice I had nothing to mention about my Development class, because at least he functions on normalcy and tests every two weeks! While it does bother me being tested that much, I can't complain! =)
I know how you feel. Projects and finals are the bane of my existence. I swear it wasn't this bad last year. It's so stupid that professors don't realize that we have all of these things to do around the same time as everything else. You'd think they'd plan ahead for something like that.
ReplyDeleteThat would require the gift of hindsight. I agree that this year is so much more stressful than last year - I can only imagine the descent for the upcoming school years until graduation finally occurs. I'll most likely be reduced to baldness if this gets worse!!