Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mindful Self-Indulgence

Like Ricky is doing for his summer class, I will create my own little goal sheet. As embarrassing as it is to be posting it on the internet, if it isn't written down, I can ignore it. Then again, it's on the computer, so it could be ignored just as easily =P

Goals for the rest of the summer starting today:
1. Rock my Anatomy Lab Practical and Final Exam (yes, everything needed to be capitalized, because this is monumental stuff right here. No, I don't make sense, because technically it's not all in caps, so therefore it's not all capitalized. I HAVE AN ANATOMY FINAL IN A WEEK.)

2. Start doing Zumba 4x a week. It's only an hour for four days a week, but it's still intense exercise as far as my athleticism is concerned =P - I can only hope that I'll enjoy this and not want to just quit after the first day.

3. Lose weight. I'm not putting numbers on this, because honestly any decrease in weight will be received with open arms and huge smiles! It doesn't deserve it's own number, but for clarification's sake, I also want to maintain the steady weight once I've lost however many pounds it may be, by sticking to Zumba or finding something else to do in its' stead if I don't like it.

4. Tell my parents about my housing situation. Hey, wouldn't it be funny if they found out through my blog? Hi mom and dad!

5. Have an amazing 19th birthday =)
5a. I really should set out a plan on creative writing, because I kinda wanna do that for fun. I hate writing outlines.
5b. Because all outlines should never end with just one bullet point underneath it. Now I know why we had to write so many outlines in 5th grade - it's all brought me to this exact moment where I wrote up a very bad representation of a formal outline. I can just hear and see my 5th grade teacher's smiling face and laugh. *sarcasm hand is raised*

haha so 5 is just fluff, but the top 4? yeah, I gotta get around to that. It's kinda in order of priority, but knowing me I'll do it out of order somehow just to throw off the man. By the man, I mean, the man who watches everything you type aka TOM the creator of Myspace.

Ah, I miss those days =(

"There's always pressure from other people and yourself. We keep thinking up new things and finding better ways of doing things because we're not happy with what we're given." (Natalie Portman)


  1. haha one of my goals for the summer/fall is similar to you zumba goal! (what a coincidence!) but instead of zumba i wanna take on 2 more kung fu classes! 8P

  2. haha always about you isn't it?! =P i kidddd but I know you over-achieving athlete getting-in-shape person!!

  3. haha of course i try an make it about me! 8D haha well your an over-achieving smart get good grades and destroy people in debates person!
