I tend to lapse between knowing what to write about and then forgetting it - possible sign of aging and almost being 19? Almost completely =P I need to start doing some memory games! Do little kids even play those anymore? I'm thinking no, because memory games are kinda old school. You never see them anywhere anyway, or maybe I'm just not looking in the right spots? I think Spongebob came out with one..
I think I'm gonna take up doing some artsy things like arts & crafts - I already know I'm planning on making my own dry erase board, since it's super simple and not that expensive! If that ends up working out, I'll have an awesome new erase board to replace my crappy one from last year, plus I'll try doing other little things. Eventually, I'll be this master arts and crafts person and everyone will want to know where I started. It all started with this blog (and an orange basketball, y'all)!
Grammar be darned right now, because it's still summer and I'm illiterate.
"Math doesn't teach us how to love a friend or forgive an enemy or pick ourselves up when we're upset, but it does teach us that every problem has a solution." (an Unknown Anon)
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