I was driving home while listening to 103.9 like I always do and a commercial came on for Lookers, which is basically a strip club/entertainment place for sleazy dirtball guys to go to - I mean, it's a place for men to go.
I have no problem with such places existing. I have no problem with girls doing that line of profession for a living, or a stepping stone to get an actual job. I have no problem with the whole "it's empowering for women to take hold and flaunt their sexuality over men". No biggie.
My problem is that I will hear that exotic dancing is an art and should be classified as such and that it's not a big deal for guys to want to watch. Let's back this up for a second. The commercial was advertising Lookers and described it as "exotic, erotic, and sometimes a little psychotic." Hasn't got your attention yet? Let's continue with the commercial. Then it goes to two guys having a conversation over the phone or in person and it goes like this:
Guy A: "what are you planning on doing tonight?"
Guy B: "ah, just staying at home and watching some TV"
Guy A: "well I'm going to be going to Lookers, you should go too."
Guy B: "Lookers?"
Guy A: "yeah, you think you want to watch TV entertainment but at Lookers you can see some real T & -"
Guy B: "okay! I'll go!"
... This is where my problem comes into play. Why do guys have to be such pigs? Really? I mean the stupid commercial advertises Lookers by spelling out the word L-O-O-K-E-R-S while the girl saying the letters basically sounds like she's having an orgasm.
I wouldn't mind these places if they actually, ya know, seemed like classy places. From the commerical, I don't get that vibe that the entertainment would actually be entertaining to anyone without man parts. It's not like the old school strip clubs where yes, girls would be wearing little costumes but they would be singing and dancing. Let's look at CHICAGO for example, a musical pretty relevant to what I'm talking about. The women in that movie were wearing skimpy outfits of lingerie and little costumes, but when I saw that movie when I was 8 and it was in theaters, I thought they were the coolest. They danced and sang and actually kept my little kid attention, not because of their T&A but because of their talent.
I'm not saying strippers and pole dancers don't have talent; you stick me near a pole and tell me to dance and I'll laugh awkwardly and not do it. I'm not confident in those aspects to dance partially naked in front of an audience, let alone raging men who think with their nether regions predominantly. Kudos to the strippers and pole dancers for confidence and the muscular ability to dance on a pole. I mean it, serious kudos for them.
Why is it that in movies and the first automatic picture I get when I think "strip club" is no tops, barely there bottoms, and just them shimmying and shaking? Maybe the girls at Lookers are actual dancers and really dance, and maybe I can't judge them until I actually go to one of those places just to find out what the fascination is. I don't like looking at girls' bodies, especially if they are naked. If they are wearing a dress/outfit/bathing suit that I like, then it's more me looking because I want that *insert article of clothing*.
I don't see the hype of pole dancers/strippers/exotic dancers. I could be one of those too. But I would need to get implants first of all, otherwise I wouldn't get very many guys to oogle me. I need to actually take pole dancing lessons so I'm somewhat capable of that. And give me enough energy drinks and I'll be as confident as I possibly can be. It's not difficult. It's not something that's actually competitive; I sincerely doubt it's as hard to be a pole dancer as it is a doctor.
I wouldn't have a single problem with these establishments if all guys would just admit that they just wanna get turned on by girls so that's why they go, because they don't have a girlfriend or anyone else to turn them on and "satisfy their needs". It's when I hear that it's an art and then I hear these commercials and get disgusted for living on a planet with guys that are pigs.
Maybe it's an art. Maybe it's not. I'm not sure. All I know is that tonight when I heard this commercial it physically disgusted me and made me angry and made my inner feminist/Amazonian Queen blood boil because guys will take something that could be an art, and just make it into fast trash porn.
That I have a problem with.
"Amor Vincit Omnia"
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