Although this blog is public, meaning everyone even total strangers or people I extremely dislike and loathe their presence, can see this and there is indeed a topic I would like to discuss in it, I won't.
Why, you may ask?
Because although I do sincerely loathe and disdain this person's mere existence, and though I may blame all of my insecurities on this one entity, and though this person also is a complete thorn in my side and I cannot wait till this person may eventually leave my sight even though their visage will forever be etched inside my disturbed mind... where was I? Oh, right. Although I have all of those reasons to talk about every little facet that bothers me about this entire situation, I can't because I'm just not that mean to call them out over the Internet.
Jessica's kindness towards people she dislikes and shouldn't have any sympathy for has once again ruined her moment of potential ridicule and insulting frenzy of said person.
She can't even formulate coherent sentences anymore.
"I'm like the dumb girl that doesn't get it. I've never been the dumb girl before. It ain't so great." (Something's Gotta Give)
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