Saturday, March 13, 2010

Uh-Oh, Spaghettio!

If I ever give you any advice, this is it - live happy. That's all you need to know. Through all the hard times and all the struggles, has any person ever persevered because they sat around feeling sorry for themselves? The answer to that is no. When faced with difficult situations, rather than mope and whine, make the best of what you have and live your life to the fullest. You're most likely to regret the time you spent waiting for something to happen and that time can be put into something you enjoy doing. You don't need other people to make you happy. Quite the contrary, you need to make yourself happy first and foremost before you can expect anyone to give you the happiness you expect in return. Think about it: how much fun have you had recently? Why? Because you expect other people to make your fun. Have fun for yourself. Be the life of a party; don't expect the party to make your life.

Finally, something everyone should remember, but rarely does anyone, there are millions of people in the world who are worse off than you. People living in poverty, people who don't own cars, never mind reliable ones. People who don't even have access to a desktop computer, never mind owning a digital camera or a camcorder. There are people who can't even afford to see one movie in a theater, never mind an entire home theater system. So many people would die to be in your shoes, but you know what? I've never seen people be more happy and appreciative than those people.

I see so many people not being thankful of what they have and that's just the material items. Besides that, how many people get bullied and are neglected and told no one loves them. People with boyfriends or girlfriends or simply loving families often take for granted how lucky they really are. Not everyone that is fortunate to have people who have their back and will hold their hand through hell and high waters.

I guess, in general, this is a message to anyone who is upset because something in their life didn't go their way. This is to the people who are selfish and forget that money can't buy happiness. Learn to live without material items and learn to deal with the curve-balls life throws at you. Nothing in life is fair: it's one hurdles after another. But if you constantly cry and whine because you didn't get what you want, life's going to seem a whole lot tougher than you'd like. Make the most of what you have, what you've received, and what you've earned, because not everyone is so lucky.

"A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds and mopes. A philosopher sees both sides and shrugs. An optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them." (Leonard Louis Levinson)

^talk about alliteration Leo =)