This was a poem that I wrote through Sadie's POV from All The King's Men. I'm hoping to be able to write more poems like this, because I've always been really proud of it and it's something that I always enjoyed doing. I wish I could remember the exact requirements, but I'm pretty sure I had to utilize book quotes about the character in order to write a poem about them. Now if only FGCU can get a poetry writing class, although this doesn't rhyme at all =P
Maybe he was born on 'em,
The ropes of life--
Constantly fighting like the sap he was.
And maybe this was what I wanted all along--
I wanted Willie to die.
I built him up single handedly
and wanted him to fall.
With my compulsive suggestion to Duffy
and a pack of cigarettes--
I killed Willie Stark.
When it was all over he would have left me anyway,
Whether it was for that Lucy
or that high and mighty Stanton woman.
So what if he was on the ropes?
Aren't we all?--
Oh wait, there's that Eagle Scout
Do-good Samaritan Jack.
We all know he can do no wrong.
No sins, faults, or swaying
when it comes to Scout Master Jack Burden.
This has been in the damn making since Day One,
Since he even agreed to play
in this warped game of Russian Roulette.
But I pulled the trigger--
Indirectly or directly,
I don't give a damn.
Willie's dead due to my hand.
The dice were loaded
and the horsemen were in place.
Pushing Humpty Dumpty off that wall was no feat.
He was asking for it.
He never fully appreciated me--
If he ever did, I would be surprised.
I was never enough for him--
He would never leave that Lucy for
a real woman like me.
Even after he's dead and six feet under
he still has his seersucker suit hands around me.
Even after all these years
that sucker still clouds my thoughts.
No matter where I go,
the only one damn thing for sure I know--
that Willie Stark, that complete sap--
He will forever haunt me until the inevitable end.
Time is closing in.
The hourglass is just about out.
All those packs of cigarettes never made the Boss disappear.
The great irony of it all?
Those cigarettes ended up killing me slowly,
Making my lungs disappear rather than his apparition.
In my last few hours, I had to share this.
With someone, with anyone--
And I still kept my word to Jack Burden,
I never did tell a soul 'till I told you, Sill.
You're all I got in this world I can call family.
I dug my own grave
and I'm gonna lay in it.
i remember this! i like it now, since i now comprehend that not everything is about me!! 8D