I wish I could take a bath. I never played with rubber duckies in the bath tub though, just with my L'Oreal Shampoo bottles and occasionally some of Bart's wrestling action figures when I was younger. Mostly I had to improvise with the shampoo bottles though. Come to think of it, I don't know why Bart had his wrestling dudes near the bathtub or even in the bathroom to begin with. I guess it's some secret guy thing. Any-who, I always loved taking baths. My mom would have to tell me to get out of the bath because I would sit in it for two hours just playing make-believe. I would create scenarios where my shampoo bottles loved each other but didn't know how to tell the other. Then, I would bring in a rival (cue one of Bart's action figures) that would try to get the girl shampoo bottle away from the boy shampoo bottle. I'm pretty sure it was a continuous story, so it never actually ended in one bath. I was a little mini soap-opera director at a very young age.
I'm pretty sure the shampoo bottles ended up together, if anyone was actually curious about the fate of my shampoo.
"We live in a rainbow of chaos." (Paul Cezanne)
haha yeah it is a guy thing, i had action figures in the bathroom! you are sooooo cute fyi, haha im glad the shampoo ended up togather!