Tuesday, March 30, 2010



One of the websites that I frequent was posting the theme songs of shows that used to run in the 90s, like Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Power Rangers, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Talespin, Doug, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Animaniacs, Pokemon, Ghostwriter, Gargoyles, etc.

What was my favorite TV show from the 90s with, what I believe to be, the best theme song?

Sailor Moon.

I loved watching Sailor Moon; I still watch it from time to time, because I have some old school VHS's of it! I have maybe 6 episodes on VHS, and I got the three movies that came out too. I love Sailor Moon. I admired all of the characters. I never found Serena annoying; I had a crush on Darien/the Tuxedo Mask; I thought Raye was badass before Lita came along and basically become my idol; I loved how Amy was so smart and intuitive; I never really had an opinion on Mina but I really liked her powers because one of them was a whip of hearts =P

I LOVED Luna and Artemis - it made me want a cat that could talk and that was so adorable looking! So when I did get a cat, me and her were the best of friends. I trained her to be like one of the cats from Sailor Moon, so I could feel like maybe one day when I grow up, maybe I could become one.

I mean, if we want to compare looks and practically personality type, I almost match up to Lita, Sailor Jupiter. So I'm going to make a list of qualities she has and if I have them.

  • She's strong and independent; I would like to think this is true for myself.
  • She's tall; to me this is a no-brainer.
  • She wears her hair in a ponytail; do I need to ask if I do this too?
  • She's extremely loyal and will believe in her friends, even when others don't; I'd like to think I'm like that since I stubbornly will defend my friends and their actions, even now.
  • She's a good cook; I know I don't have this in common =(
  • She's busty; me, not quite.
  • She's known for being boy-crazy; I kinda used to be known for this, but not to the extent of Lori.
  • She's tomboyish, but at the same time very feminine too; to me, this is practically spot on, because I enjoy a lot of "guy things" but still will react like a girl if I see anything cute, like a kitten or a duck =)
  • She's the toughest of all the Sailor Scouts; I just think this is badass haha.
Lita is the epitome of amazingness. Instead of doing this blog, I should have been doing homework or studying, but I feel like this had to be done.


  1. wow you didnt sleep much! you are like jupiter! 8D just i hope ur still not boy crazy

  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 90'S! AHAAA!
