One of my biggest complaints about Nickelodeon is the fact that the schedule does not coincide with the actual shows being aired at the time. Tonight for example with the new Penguins of Madagascar "special" (a whole different topic altogether) the guide for Nickelodeon said that SpongeBob would be on before the actual Penguins episode. What happened? Fanboy and Chum Chum was on before Penguins under the guise of being a Spongebob episode making it so I never got to see the new Spongebob tonight.
Nickelodeon has been doing this all day, except maybe in the morning but I stopped watching it around 10. I hate when television programs are sending mixed signals because it doesn't make me want to watch the show. No wonder they might pull Spongebob off the air. Nobody knows when the show's actually on anymore.
"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact." (William James)
and its not even like it might have been the t.v. guides fault, because when they advertised the new spongebob episode it said 7:30 pm too!