As midnight is approaching and a new day arrives, I want to pay tribute to someone who doesn't need a bigger ego. For a year and half, I've had this amazing person in my life - even a longer time if we want to get really technical. He's changed my outlook on life and he's also changed me as a person. For better or for worse, we've been together even when it didn't seem possible and neither of us had much hope. I would be lost without him and I don't think he really believes me when I say that.
Seeing him smile and knowing I make him smile fills me with such happiness that I start laughing and grinning to myself. He makes me feel so lucky because he accepts that I'm not like most girls: I'm more comfortable wearing pants than I am skirts majority of the time, I hate doing my hair so it's always in a pony tail, I don't like make up so I stay away from it, I like video games and play them whenever I can, I like manga and anime, I'm one of the girls who followed Dragonball Z religiously every day it was on TV. No matter what tidbit of information he would learn about me, he would accept it and genuinely love me even more for it.
I love finding out new things about him and making up stories about his previous experiences to see his reactions. I love that he's the biggest jerk I've ever met and that his blunt cynicism keeps me grounded so my imagination and thoughts won't get the best of me. He drives me absolutely crazy all the time and he puts up with me when I experience emotional overload. He's my best friend and he means so much to me; I'm so happy to be able to call him my boyfriend too
I wanna spend more months and years with you babe. I can't wait to find out what adventures await us next
hopefully this works this time!
ReplyDeletei do not have a big ego! besides that this is soooo cute, and brought a huge smile to my face! because what you said is true, the more i learn about you the more i get to know you and see you get comfortable with me the more i fall for you! and it makes me feel sooo lucky to know that i could have someone like you, someone that i could be with all the time and be myself around, someone whom i could trust and call my best friend, someone that makes me smile no matter what and genuinly cares when im not! so thankyou baby for all the time you have given me and i wanna keep spending and adventuring with you for a long long long time!