You know that person living across the street, the one with the great sense of humor? That person in your class whose genuinely friendly? The one that makes your heart palpitate and your pulse quicken when they enter the room? They just so happen to be everything you want and everything you need but I bet you won't tell them you like them out of fear of rejection or ruining what relationship you had with that person.
Take a chance. The worst possible thing that could happen is that he doesn't feel the same way. But isn't it better to know for sure how he feels than to be in the constant haze of confusion? Instead of staying up late wondering if "What homework did we have last night?" has some sort of hidden romantic undertone to it, take the chance by just telling them you like them.
I did. I mustered up the courage by writing him a note asking him to meet me before school early one Friday. He showed up, we walked to school together, he started walking away but I called him back and told him that I had something I wanted to tell him. And what happened to me when I took the chance, when every other time I never told anyone if I liked them? I wound up feeling rejected when his reply was "I figured as much."
True, that statement haunted me for the rest of the day. I wondered what the hell he meant by that and how that's a good thing to say to someone when they say "I like you." But, I almost felt relieved. Letting that off my chest allowed me to see that our late-night chats were just us being friends and that anything suggesting that he liked me was simply me over exaggerating it. Later that night, he invited me to go to a football game with him, an invitation I had just assumed was meant to ridicule me in front of his friends.
However, one month later I found out that he liked me too and that he didn't mean to come off as a jerk when he said that he figured as much. Later I found out that he was attempting to recreate a Han Solo scene revamped with his own words. I still tease him to this day about what he said and how much of a jerk he was for saying what he did - it's been almost two years since that day.
And maybe I'm a rare case when it comes to having feelings requited. I don't consider myself by any means extremely attractive or even remotely attractive and it somehow worked for me. Courage is something guys appreciate and it takes pressure off of them to be the "initiators". Nothing is more rewarding than going through with something you were really scared of - even if you fail. The only way you fail is if you never try. I'm glad I took a chance on a guy that I knew was worth a shot ♥
“Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.” (Edward Vernon Rickenbacker)
Take a chance. The worst possible thing that could happen is that he doesn't feel the same way. But isn't it better to know for sure how he feels than to be in the constant haze of confusion? Instead of staying up late wondering if "What homework did we have last night?" has some sort of hidden romantic undertone to it, take the chance by just telling them you like them.
I did. I mustered up the courage by writing him a note asking him to meet me before school early one Friday. He showed up, we walked to school together, he started walking away but I called him back and told him that I had something I wanted to tell him. And what happened to me when I took the chance, when every other time I never told anyone if I liked them? I wound up feeling rejected when his reply was "I figured as much."
True, that statement haunted me for the rest of the day. I wondered what the hell he meant by that and how that's a good thing to say to someone when they say "I like you." But, I almost felt relieved. Letting that off my chest allowed me to see that our late-night chats were just us being friends and that anything suggesting that he liked me was simply me over exaggerating it. Later that night, he invited me to go to a football game with him, an invitation I had just assumed was meant to ridicule me in front of his friends.
However, one month later I found out that he liked me too and that he didn't mean to come off as a jerk when he said that he figured as much. Later I found out that he was attempting to recreate a Han Solo scene revamped with his own words. I still tease him to this day about what he said and how much of a jerk he was for saying what he did - it's been almost two years since that day.
And maybe I'm a rare case when it comes to having feelings requited. I don't consider myself by any means extremely attractive or even remotely attractive and it somehow worked for me. Courage is something guys appreciate and it takes pressure off of them to be the "initiators". Nothing is more rewarding than going through with something you were really scared of - even if you fail. The only way you fail is if you never try. I'm glad I took a chance on a guy that I knew was worth a shot ♥
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