Okay, so I really need to be sleeping, but I just want to rant for a quick second.
I sent Allie a majority of the study guide this morning at 10:30am, which she was supposed to work on today because she wasn't going to do anything.
I woke up early just to work on this study guide, because I KNEW she wouldn't finish it. I thought if I left her 6 diseases to talk about, when I did 4 diseases and a slew of how the lungs function and other miscellaneous lung issues, that she'd be able to handle it.
Once again, I've been proven wrong.
Granted, she said that her sister fell and had a bad head injury so she drove up to Tampa and got back at 10pm tonight, but that she'll come over tomorrow to finish it and then leave at 11 to drive back up there. I know it's wrong of me, but I'm calling bullshit.
I know accidents happen, but it's convenient.. you know? It figures that this happens when you have any responsibility. How quaint of that to have worked out in your favor.
If her sister was legitimately hurt, then that's unfortunate, but it'd be a little bit more believable if she just e-mailed me saying, "I can't come over tomorrow because I'm in Tampa with my sister because she fell". What's the point in driving up there at 11 when we have class on Monday at 8 in the morning? This girl takes 4 hours to drive to Tampa, because apparently, she can't handle long car rides. Yeah. Tampa is ~SO~ far away. And this bitch expects me to believe she's going to Tampa for a few hours just to have to leave within a few hours?
I love my brother to death & I assume that's vice versa, but I'm pretty sure if I got hurt when he was still in the state of Florida that he would not drop school to visit me in the hospital. He would call, I should hope, but I'm fairly certain, given that he was in pharmacy school, that he would not drop everything to see me for a few hours just to go back. It just doesn't make any fucking sense to me. I wouldn't fly to Kentucky if Bart fell. Let's just be honest here.. and maybe it's an age difference thing, since her little sister is like 12 or something, but still. It's not reasonable. I can't wrap my brain around her thought process at all or why she is the way that she is.
So I look at what she's completed and you know what dis bitch did? Fucking deleted things I put in it.
Really? Like I didn't save it on my computer and can't TELL that content is missing on what you sent me? Excuse me if I'm wrong, but this girl is FAILING this class and she thinks by deleting what I wrote she's going to pass the test? Yeah. Okay. You do that. Let me know how that works out for you, which I'm sure you will, because you complain about everything.
I will, once again, do better on this test than she will, and she's going to complain, like a bitch, because "I [Jessica] never study" and "we study the exact same thing" and I'll just say, "Uhm, no. Because you clearly thought you knew what was important when you decided to 'revise' my work like it was some fucking draft or something."
Seriously. Don't ask me to do YOU a favor and then change it, when you don't even have a winning game plan as it is. If she was the one doing better on all the tests, then I'd be like, "okay, you know what you're talking about more than I do since you have the grades to back it up." She has no excuse.
Also, by answering two or three diseases partially doesn't count as "doing work," especially when the parts you left blank are the pathophysiology of the disease, which *SPOILERS* IS THE NAME OF THE CLASS.
Either stay with your injured sister or do the fucking work. It's not complicated. It's not difficult. I'd much rather do the study guide MYSELF.
She needs to decide, because this half assed shit isn't making MY life any easier when I have to work around her insanity and I'm sure it's not helping her mom or sister much either, especially since she is apparently living on a budget and can't afford to be driving all over the place.
I'm just so livid.